Longarce Report
Longarce Report
Linden Homes.
Purpose of visit.
Invited by Chair of Dummer Parish Council to evaluate access issues in general.
Day of visit: Tuesday 8 December 2020 at 2:30 pm.
Present: Ian Edney, John Jessop, John Wall, Allan Foster, Julian Jones.
We measured the difference in depth of the stones in the 'rumble strips'. The largest difference was 55mm, very often 50mm. Or of course 2 to2 and a quarter inches. I thought this might be worth stating. There is no way to avoid them as we all saw. A cyclist cannot safely cycle across them. The same goes for wheelchair users, buggy and Pram pushers or those walking across these strips.
A further concern was the very limited parking forcing cars to park on pathways, photos are available. The time of day we witnessed more than several cars blocking off pathways was 2:15 pm. I can’t imagine with residents returning home what huge inconvenience this parking problem will cause. With cars blocking pathways and Calming measures impossible to negotiate for those with impaired mobility/Pushchairs and suchlike this scenario will cause a complete blockage in getting from “a” to “b”. Exasperating the situation of being able to walk around without hindrance is in certain places impossible due to lack of pavement altogether.
Access4All, Basingstoke Group make themselves available hoping to avoid issues of access for all in particular at Planning Application Consultations. Please do use our expertise. We can make a difference.
John Wall. Vice-chair
It seems very unreasonable at Longacre, Basingstoke despite efforts by the Drummer Parish Council, has not had improvements made to issues of Access4All. We visited the site by invitation of the parish council in December 2020 forwarding our report with photographic evidence of issues causing great concern. This has come about by an article in the recent edition of the Basingstoke Gazette. Which we as a group, hope will kick start an initiative of correcting errors made in the design of this particular estate. Hoping more action and not apathy from those responsible.
John Wall (chair)
Problems on Longacre are:
- Driveway drop kerbs
- Lack of footpaths
- Granite sets used as rumble strips
- Sleeping policemen on roads where there is no pavement
- Communication cabinets intruding into the pavement
In addition to these problems there are additional obstacles:
- Cars parked on pavements
- Clusters of wheelie bins on pavements on collection days.