Nottinghamshire New Waste Plan - have your say.
Bleasby Parish Council
Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council have been developing a joint new Waste Local Plan which will be the blueprint for future waste facilities in the area up to 2038. The Councils submitted the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan to the Secretary of State on the 5th of March 2024 for independent examination. Planning Inspector Stephen Normington has been appointed to carry out the examination of the Waste Local Plan and held hearing sessions on the 15th and 16th of October 2024. Further detail on the examination is provided on our examination webpage.
During the hearing sessions, the proposed modifications made by the Councils were discussed and further modifications to the Waste Local Plan were identified. These modifications include Main Modifications, which are deemed to materially affect the content of the Waste Local Plan and therefore must be advertised for public consultation.
As the Main Modifications are deemed to materially alter the Plan, these modifications have been subject to further Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment. These are published alongside the schedule of proposed Main Modifications for consultation.
The formal consultation of the Main Modifications will run from Wednesday 8th January to Wednesday 19th February 2025.
Additional modifications, which correct errors or provide clarity for example, have also been proposed. However, these do not materially affect the Plan and so are not subject to formal consultation. A schedule of these modifications has been prepared as part of the supporting documents for reference. The Councils have also published a tracked change version of the Pre-Submission Draft Waste Local Plan which shows the proposed Main and Additional modifications to aid understanding of the context of the modifications. Please note though that this is for information purposes only.
The schedule of Main Modifications and the following supporting documents can be viewed on our consultation webpage:
- Sustainability Appraisal of Main Modifications
- Habitats Regulation Assessment – Screening of Main Modifications
- Schedule of proposed Additional Modifications
- Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft with all proposed modifications as tracked changes.
Making a representation
The easiest way to make comments is online via our consultation system which enables your response to be in the correct format. Alternatively, a response form can be downloaded from the County Councils webpage and completed forms sent as a word or PDF document via email to
Please note – representations can only be accepted on the proposed Main Modifications. We are unable to consider any representations on unchanged parts of the Waste Local Plan. There is no need to repeat any representations you have already made at previous stages.
Please ensure we receive your representation by 11.59pm on Wednesday 19th February 2025.
Next steps
All representations made on the Main Modifications will be sent to the Inspector. The Inspector will then consider any representations and prepare a report which details the Inspectors conclusions on the soundness and legal compliance of the Waste Local Plan.
Find Bleasby Parish Council
Bleasby, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire