2003 - Present
The new changing rooms were a vast improvement on the old clubhouse but over time it was realised that they were too small and in 2003 a Portacabin was sited on the patio to provide changing facilities for visiting teams and help to relieve congestion. While not ideal it proved adequate for some years and enabled the club to put money aside towards a permanent extension. In 2010, with a grant of £10,000 from Lafarge Aggregates and a donation of £85,000 from George Wimpey Limited for permission to alter the course of the Sowe Brook through the front car park, it was decided to proceed with the extension.
The project included three new changing rooms as well as doubling the size of the kitchen with a complete refit. The improvements also included extending the bar area into what was the kit room and by knocking down the old changing room walls the space was incorporated into the main hall.
Once again club members undertook a lot of the work themselves; firstly demolishing the portacabin and clearing the site, redecorating the building throughout and tiling the kitchen and bar extension. Contractors laid new carpet tiles in the main hall and changing rooms and vinolay in the kitchen and toilets. The extension was officially opened by the Mayor of Rugby, Cllr Don Williams on Saturday, 26th June 2010 before members played a match against Bidford-on-Avon.