Problems with Voneous (SWS)
Stanton Lacy Parish Council
The problems with Voneous (SWS) was raised at the Parish Council meeting on the 16th January. The Clerk contacted Ben Walker at Connecting Shropshire who has responded with the following:
'I had a meeting with Voneus on 10th January, and I’m reassured that they’re taking steps to identify and address issues that their customers are experiencing
I can act as an escalation point for digital infrastructure complaints that you receive from parishioners but require them to raise it directly with me (copying Heather the Parish Clerk in, if required)
Before complaints are escalated to me, however, please advise customers to raise the matter with Voneus giving them sufficient time to resolve any issues
Whilst I’ll do my best to assist, Shropshire Council don’t have a contractual relationship with Voneus so it’ll be a case of ‘best endeavours’
Ben Walker
Senior Programme Officer (Digital Infrastructure)
Connecting Shropshire
Economic Growth
01743 252203
Contact Information
Heather Coonick
- 07817607355
Find Stanton Lacy Parish Council
Hopton Gate Cottage, Haytons Bent, Stanton Lacy, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 2BE