Billhole Farm
MId Devon District Council
Ref: 24/00543/FULL
Contact: Miss Helen Govier Principal Planning Officer Tel: 01884 234314
Proposal: Erection of a dwelling following the demolition of an agricultural building utilising the Class Q fallback (23/00507/PNCOU)
Location: Land and Building at NGR 278351 111686 Billhole Farm Thelbridge
Site Vicinity Grid Ref: 278351 / 111687
Parish: Thelbridge 50
I have received the above application and would be grateful for any observations which you may wish to make. Your comments should reach us no later than 2nd May 2024, if no comments are received within this period it will be assumed that you have no observations to make. Please make your comments through our public access consultee hub using the following link Public Access Consultee Hub or by post to Head of Planning and Regeneration, at the above address. In the event that you are unable to access our public access consultee hub you may email your comments to; this is the planning service generic email address which is checked daily, please do not email the case officer. Should you wish to check on progress of this application you can contact the case officer on the above number. You are advised to make an appointment in advance should you wish to meet the officer to discuss the proposal. Alternatively, you can view and track this application using our public access service by entering reference number 24/00543/FULL Please allow up to 48 hours, from the date of this letter, for plans and documents associated with the application to be loaded onto the website. The officer dealing with this proposal is Miss Helen Govier who can be contacted on the case officer number 01884