Parent/Child Fast4 Tournament & Picnic
Calling all parents!
Saturday 3rd June sees our inaugural Fast4 Parent/Child Tournament open to all adult members with children aged 14 or under (whether members or not [.....if not, why not ? :o]) and U14 Juniors members with a parent willing and able to hold a racket and hit a ball (whether members or not).
Fast4 tennis is great fun for all. Competitive and full of spills and thrills: first to 4 wins; tiebreak at 3 games all; sudden death at deuce (no ad points); no lets (play the point whatever).
Come along and give it a go!
Play starts at 12 noon and the tournament will be followed by a picnic in the glorious sunshine we have booked for the day (!)
Entry fee: £7 per pair.
To enter, please contact Will (in person, on 07886793041 or who will be running it with his usual good humour, flair and expertise!
Contact Information
Club Chair, Tony Bull
Find Alton Tennis Club
Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 1ST