This section will be updated throughout the year... please contact Sarah or Deborah for any more details or if you can volunteer.. or 07738278124
Sat 25th January...10.30-12.30 Coffee Morning at the clubhouse featuring Colins world famous Beetle Drive.. If you have not been before you dont know what you are missing....£2.00pp. Volunteer bakers please....
Sat 8th February...2.00-4.00 Paint a plate with Sarah, materials provided... Cost £10pp.. Tea/Coffee/cakes supplied
Tue18th February... 12 noon.. Ladies Lunch at the Orangery, Ten Tors... Cost to be confirmed 2 course lunch with vegan option & tea/coffee... Cars to be arranged for lifts.
Sat 22nd February... 10.30-12.30 Coffee Morning... volunteer bakers please.. £2.00pp
Wed 5th March.. 6.30-8.30 Bingo night with Fish & chip supper... Chippie van coming to the club car park, bring your own drinks.. tea/coffee provided, £2.00pp entry
Tue 18th March... A day at the races... Exeter racecourse timings & details to follow, please put your names forwardso we can get best priced tickets.. Lifts can be arranged
Sat 29th March.. 10.30-12.30 Coffee morning..£2pp entry Volunteer bakers please.
Sat 5th April... Pre season meeting (sub collection) time TBA