Clubs in Brandon
The Toy Den Activities Group - A monthly themed, craft session at the Brandon Royal British Legion. 10.30 - 12.00 For details please contact:
4th Brandon Brownies - - or call 08001695901
1st Brandon Scout Group - email: or phone 07883 058502
- Squirrels 4 - 6 years. Meet on a Friday, 4.15pm - 5.15pm
- Beavers 6 - 8 years. Meet on a Friday, 5.30pm - 6.45pm
- Cubs 8 - 10.5 years. Meet on a Wednesday, 6.30pm - 8.00pm
- Scouts 10.5 years - 14 years. Meet on a Friday 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Church Institute Clubs
All the groups held at the Church Institute are free we do however accept donations if people are able. Our groups are as follows:
- Tuesday - Tiddlers 9.00am -10.30am (weekly)
Drop In Cafe 11.00am -12.20pm (weekly)
Community Lunch 12.30pm-1.30pm (weekly)
Crafters 1.30pm -3.00pm (fortnightly from 17th Jan 2023)
- Wednesday - St Peter's Youth Group (SPY) 6.30pm-8.00pm (weekly term time)
- Thursday - Warmer Space Drop In Cafe 9.30am-12.00pm (weekly from 17th Jan through to March)
Coffee Caravan will run weekly from March 9.00am-1.00pm
- Friday - Over 40s Youth Club (Last Friday of each month from February. Entrance is free but there is a paying bar)
- Saturday - Men's Breakfast 9am (First Saturday of the month)
Brandon Crafters - Every other Tuesday from 17th January 2023, 1.30pm - 3.00pm, in the Church Institute.
Brandon Library Clubs
Here is a summary of the clubs/events at Brandon Library:
- Tot Rock - active songs and rhymes for preschool children. Every Thursday Brandon Library 09:30 ‐ 10:00 Free entry
- Lego Club. Every other Sunday Brandon Library 11:00 ‐ 13:00 Free entry
- Storytime. Every Tuesday Brandon Library 15:30 ‐ 16:00 Free entry
- Brandon Social Circle - a group for older people. Third Monday of the Month Brandon Library 10:30 - 12:00 free entry
- The Originals reading group. Third Thursday of the month Brandon Library 14:00 Free entry
- The Newbies reading group. First Thursday of the month Brandon Library 14:00 ‐ 15:00 Free entry
- Stitch, Knit and Natter. Second Thursday of the month, Fourth Thursday of the month Brandon Library Free entry
- Poetry Group. First Monday of the month Brandon Library 11:00 ‐ 12:30 Free entry
Brandon Allotment Association -
Brandon Photographic Club - Brandon & District Photographic Club (
Brandon Town Community Football Club - Girls Football - Contact Gemma Rickard 07546 871338
Brandon Town Community Football Club - - Michael Doyle, (Chairman), 07989 449812,
Forest Schools
- Roots and Boots Forest School, phone: 07960 493119,
- Wild Beginnings, phone: 07359 403469, email:
The Football Fun Factory - Toddler and Kids Football Training and Parties ( - Welcomes boys and girls of any ability between the ages of 5 years and 12 years. Offer a free weeks trial.
Brandon Garden Club - We are a local Garden Club that meets up once a month and holds an Annual Show where members can showcase their produce, plants or home cooking. We discuss topics from pruning roses to how to compost and learning about biodiversity and why climate change matters!
We welcome visitors! First Visit is Free, any subsequent visit is £1.50 or you can join (annual fee TBC)
We usually meet the Last Monday of the Month at Brandon Methodist Church, London Road, IP27 0EW. Doors open at 7pm and we start at 7:30pm. Facebook: Email:
JU JITSU UK - every Tuesday at the Royal British Legion, London Road, 6.00pm - 7.00pm
The Rotary Club of Brandon and District - The Rotary Club of Brandon and District are a friendly Club with new members and guests always welcomed. We meet on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm at the Royal British Legion and meetings are informal and fun.
On the first Thursday of each month we go out with partners and friends for a meal.
We organise events to support the local community, including the Fireworks held at Brandon Hall and the Santa sleigh ride through Brandon, and have great fun doing so! The profits from our events are donated to local charities, food banks, schools, clubs and other good causes.
To find out more, please call Matt on 07710 819259 or Sue on 07884 313563 or send us a message via our Facebook Page Rotary Club of Brandon & District | Facebook
Shoestring Theatre Club - Contact Jill, 07985 376465
Brandon Leisure Centre Clubs
Archery Sessions - Monday- intermediate session 10.30am-11.30am and beginner session 12-1pm. All equipment provided and refreshments provided. Booking is advised. At Brandon Leisure Centre.
Community Table Tennis - open to everyone, all ages and abilities. Sessions run every Friday 2-4pm , bats and refreshments provided. At Brando Leisure Centre.
Junior Gym - Monday to Friday 3.00pm - 5.00pm. Saturday and Sunday 11.30am - 12.30pm. At Brandon Leisure Centre.
Keep Active Leisure Club - Thursday's – 10am-12pm designed for over 55’s the sessions include table tennis, short tennis, badminton, boccia, kurling and pickleball! Refreshments included! Lovely social atmosphere.
Teen Chill - a club for teenagers, 11 years to 16 Years. Brandon Leisure Centre, every Friday 7.00pm - 9.00pm. £1 per session
Tumblers - Wednesdays 9.00am - 11.15am and Sundays 9.45am - 12.15pm. Brandon Leisure Centre. Just turn up and play.
Wellbeing Walks - Monday morning 9.30am- 11.30am approx. Walks open to everyone, all abilities, and ages. A nice way to start a Monday morning, refreshments included after.