Recreation Ground Hedge and Fence Replacement
Bredgar Parish Council
Residents may have noticed that work has started on replacement of the recreation ground hedge and fence alongside Gore Road.
Unfortunately, the recreation ground hedge was in a very poor condition. The hedge was inspected and now consisted mainly of elder and brambles. Due to complaints about poor visibility when exiting into Gore Road from the recreation ground gate, it was given a very hard and low trim a few years ago and had not recovered from it. In addition, gaps were breaking out in it, these sometimes being used as new unwanted entry/exit points and requiring repair. The original fence within the hedge, where it remained in place, was rotten and not fit for purpose.
Councillors considered all these issues at the 14th August Parish Council Meeting and agreed unanimously that it should be scrubbed out and replaced with a mixed native hedge and fence. Three quotes were sought from local contractors and one, with an acceptable service and price was accepted. The cost in total is £4620. This cost was shown as item "REC GRD HEDGE RENEWAL" in the Financial Review document that forecasts expected expenditure in the 13th November Parish Council Meeting and was approved by Councillors. This cost includes grubbing, clearance, cultivation/seeding, temp fencing, permanent fencing, planting of whips, mulching and the first years maintenance (watering and replacement whips if needed). The new hedge will be in a double row of 60-80 c.m. whips 60 c.m. apart in a staggered formation either side of a post and stock-wire fence. Varieties – a randomly spaced mix of roughly 30% Blackthorn, 30% Hawthorn, 30% Hazel, and 10% Holly.
The Cricket Club were informed and are supportive.
The Parish Council expect this investment in a new hedge and fence to benefit the village for many years to come.
Contact Information
The Clerk
Find Bredgar Parish Council
Bredgar Parish Council, Primrose Lane, Bredgar, Bredgar, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8EB