Hello and welcome to Fields Of Glass,
We are a group of local villagers who have come together to fight the plans for Pear Tree Hill solar farm, please join us as we say NO to our countryside being turned into an industrial site.
The Peartree Hill farm is not a farm it's an industrial power plant,
This will change our villages and countryside for at least 40 years then what ?We must stand up and have a say, especially when we are taking the brunt of this development
Please join our Facebook site to keep up to date with what is happening.
Please sign this petition against using farmland and start a rooftop revolution, instead of destroying our countryside
Say No
To using arable/farmland for solar

The plans for this huge development, will change our villages forever covering arable and agricutural land with thousands of solar panels decimating our dwindling greenspace and wildlife.
Studies are needed to show the effect on wildlife, how can mesh fences round the plants be a good thing for animals, how can covering grass lands be good for insects and the birds that feed upon them
see below the plans for the development that will span several villages.
not only will this cover scarce arable land, it will bring all the paraphernalia that comes with these developments.
And no mention of what happens in 40 years, will this be returned to greenspace or left to rack and ruin ?
the only green that matters to the company that is planning this is money 💰
Come join us as we fight for our greenspaces
Please email our local MP and tell him enough is enough
Graham Stuart

If you could help us, either by getting the word out, fundraising, helping with leafleting, ideas, please get in touch.
As you can see below we have already started our media campaign featuring most recently on Look North and Driffield Wolds paper and also recently interviewed on Beverley FM, In late January we will be featured in the Yorkshire Post, also if anyone has any links to media that could help us in this battle please let us know.
Our group isn't against solar or green energy, but we are against using arable and agricultural land when there are hundreds of thousands of homes, industrial sites that could be utilised, not mentioning Brownfield sites that could house these types of developments.
We are surrounded by sea which could be harnessed, and not take up valuable land
North Sea to power millions of homes
Please watch the recent Panorama featuring this thorny issue, of destroying wildlife habitat and damaging tourism, farms and peoples way of life.
There are many villages around the UK fighting plans that will effect their lives
Thank you for taking time to read our story and hopefully you will join us as we have our say what happens to our countryside.
The Fields of Glass team