Next Meeting
Hamble River Collection
THURSDAY 7th November 7.30pm - Hamble Memorial Hall (Rear Hall)
At this meeting Ian Underdown will be launching a new booklet entitled the ‘Hamble River Collection’ and giving an illustrated talk about its fascinating contents.
Following the previous society’s successful booklets about the river this new booklet is a collection of interesting insights into the river's history that were not included in detail in the previous booklets.
It includes smuggler’s deaths, avoiding tax duties by smuggling salt at night, coastguards and two important WW2 Combine Operations naval training bases. Information about the boatyards that have served the river over the years, details of prominent river people and boat restorations, plus notable regattas that have taken place. At the top end of the river information about the Curbridge Whale, Pink Mead cottage and the river’s source along with the non-tidal river activities.
The booklet will be first available at this talk at the cost of only £4. After this you will be able to buy it from the Post Office at Coronation Parade.
New members and visitors are always welcomed! The cost is £2 a meeting.
If you would like more information, please contact the Society’s Secretary.