This is the website for Kirton Parish Council which has been launched so that we might effectively communicate with a greater audience.
We will regularly update our website with news and details of events that we are organising for Kirton, along with our Facebook page.
We welcome communication and have provided different methods for you to contact us. You can email using our contact section for you to input your thoughts and ideas and questions to the Parish Council.
Kirton Parish Council represents over 200 residents of Kirton village. The Parish Council usually meets 6 times per annum at Forterra Brickworks in Kirton. The meetings start at 18:45. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings, however please contact the Clerk in advance to arrange access to the site. Notice of the meetings are on the Agenda which are posted on the two noticeboards in the village and uploaded onto this website.

Welcome to Kirton
- Kirton