1945 - 1987
In 1945 the club members evolved a scheme to purchase the assets of Rugby Bowling Club Co. Ltd. and they became the owners of the clubhouse and green. This was largely thanks to a Mr. J. W. Clarke who donated a sum equal to that raised by the members. That clubhouse was extended in 1953 along with improvements in the toilet facilities. To celebrate the completion, on 12th June 1953, they had the honour of a visit by Robert Kirkland (Northumberland) - President of the English Bowling Association and Rugby Bowling Club played a game against Warwickshire President's team.
In the 1970's, a Banbury Buildings concrete verandah was incorporated along the front of the original wooden clubhouse. In 1984 the club obtained planning permission to erect a new clubhouse, the present building, at right angles to the old clubhouse and then in 1985 the Club purchased a strip of land from the Council to enable this new clubhouse to be moved further away from the green. Money again was the issue and was overcome by selling a building plot (No. 141A) fronting Bilton Road, a £1000 grant from Rugby Borough Council, a £3000 loan from the Sports Council, a £10,000 loan from a brewery, using the club’s own savings and donations from club members. The building was eventually completed thanks to a lot of hard work by many members and was officially opened by the Mayor of Rugby, Councillor Reg French in September 1987.