Parish History
Key Dates
- 860-880 Thorpe - Danish settlement founded, prior 1066 Earl Edwin a Saxon lord
- 1086 Domesday Book - Part of Conisbrough - Thorpe part of sockage of Laughton, in the Honour of Tickhill – Land of ‘Sir’ Roger De Buisli of Tickhill,
Thorpe Rykenyld
- 1255 Thorpe Rykenyld from Rykenild Way now Packman Lane / Manor Road – ancient Roman route from Lichfield to Doncaster
Thorpe Salvin
Ralph (de) Salvin
- 1339 Anketin Salvain granted “freewarren of lands of Thorp Salvain by King Edward III
- The Salvains were followed, through marriage, by the Ughtreds, and, an heiress of the Ughtreds marrying a Sandford
- 1410 ‘Sir’ Edmund de Sandford High Sheriff of York
- 1485 Bryan Sandford - fights at Bosworth Field with Henry Tudor – Henry VII
- 1618 Sir Edward Osbourne settles in South Yorkshire
- 1620 Sir Edward Osbourne created Baronet
- 1632 Thomas Osbourne born in Thorpe Salvin Hall
- 1636 Sir Edward Osbourne acquires Thorpe Hall
- 1642 to 1651 Civil War Thorpe Salvin in Royalist hands; Edward Osborne, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Yorkshire to the Earl of Stafford. An ardent royalist and raised a band of local men to fight against Cromwell
- 1645 Whilst home on a family visit, Roundheads encamped near Bolsover, made a sortie to try and capture Osborne. A small skirmish took place near Packman Lane crossroads, from Parish Record
“five men buried in the beginning of October being slayne in fight on Thorpe More between garrison of Welbeck on Kings side and Captain Rodes on Parliments side 1645. The manner of the Scrimage was a party of Welbeck horses were drawn out under the command of John Jametz major to Colonel Fretchwell to discrie a Party of the Parliments which had given an Alan to the Welbekians at Worksop Where they had killed two of the Kings party Jametz drew up his party in the Hollins on the More meeting with the forlorne hope of the enemies who fled under their body commanded by Captain Rodes of Steetly which was divided into 3 companies of 200. Jametz had advanced but with 18 men the Parlimenters pursued killed 5 men and took 40 the most of which were wounded one escaped which was Thomas Battersbie whose hand was cut off and was buried in ye Churchyard of Thorpe Salvin”
- 1661 Sir Thomas Osbourne High Sheriff of Yorkshire
- 1665 MP for York
- 1671 Treasurer of Navy
- 1673 Viscount Osborne of Dunblane
- 1673 Baron Osborne of Kiveton; Viscount Latimer of Danby
- 1674 Earl of Danby
- 1675 Chief Minister
- 1679 Impeached & sent to Tower -
- 1679-1684 Tower of London
- 1687 In touch with William of Orange
- 1688 1 of 7 signatures of the invitation to William of Orange to become king William & Mary; Seized York ( & North) for William
- 1689 Lord President of the Council
- 1689 Marquis of Camarthan (‘crowned’)
- 1690-94 One of the Chief Ministers of the Crown
- 1694 Duke of Leeds (after Leeds Castle in Kent)
St Peter’s Church
- 1130 Built
- 1380 Chantry Chapel added by William de Sandford
- 14th C North aisle added
- 16th C Bells hung
- 1641 Chained Bible
- 1880s Village school built by Duke of Leeds
- 1902 Sorby moves into the Hall
- 1922 Duke of Leeds sells 11 Farms
- 1937 Coronation Garden (George VI) created
- 1939 Rotherham evacuate 40 children to the village
- 1948 Sorby sells Hall and Estate – Sorby Field Donated to the Village.
- 1972 Parish Oven opens
- 1980 School closes
- 1990 Village in Bloom started
- 1995 Entente Florale (Europe in Bloom)
- 2002 Entente Florale – Gold