Parish Council
Whaddon Parish Council (WPC) represents the village of Whaddon in Buckinghamshire. The Parish Council meets bi-monthly in the School Room of the Selbie Memorial Chapel in Stock Lane. Dates of meetings are posted on the village notice board. Parish Notice Boards are situated on the former Bus Shelter in Stock Lane.
Parishioners are welcome to attend the public sessions of the meetings and are encouraged to do so. Each meeting commences with a public forum at which you can have your say. Questions during the meetings should be addressed to the Chairman. Further information can be obtained from Councillors or the Clerk to the Parish.
The Council looks after the Village Recreation Ground, Constable's Plot, the Village Allotments, the street lights, the street furniture and the grass cutting and some hedge trimming within the village boundaries.
Buckinghamshire Council (BC) is responsible for the maintenance of the highways, planning applications, & refuse collections amongst others. WPC provides BC with comments on all planning applications within Whaddon and may comment on applications in other parishes close to Whaddon, but it is BC that makes the decisions. Much of the Parish Council’s work consists of advising BC on matters relating to Whaddon.
The Parish Council is part of the North Bucks Parishes Planning Consortium, which responds to major development proposal in the North Bucks Area. In association with Nash Parish Council, Whaddon was successful in stopping Milton Keynes developing over the Shenley Ridge into the Whaddon/Nash Valley in the short- to medium-term.
Councillors: Billy Stanier (Chairman), Helen Hickman (Vice Chairman), Jonathan Allard, Jane Herriman, Neeraj Nagpal, Graham Stewart and Derek White. The position of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer is held by Suzanne Lindsey.