We need to build a new grounds man building which is currently underway. The old Garage and shed will be repurposed for the allotment users as storage and a place to gather for a chat etc. The old soil was removed and mostly given to the Wonersh cricket ground to allow for the soft boggy areas to be made firmer, this saved not only money for us but helped the cricket club and those of community who walk on the field.
We have sent out a flyer about the Buy a Brick campaign and have sold a few already to local people. We had a meeting with the parish council who were very supportive of our new facility and we will continue to work with them about how we can work closer with the local community. We have plans for the new building and the layout was presented to the members and the parish council.
The focus will be the building first, building new sides and a 15 degree pitched roof with composite cladding and felt shingles for the roof. Once the building is water tight then the old will be taken down with the new floor been laid. This work can only be done once the playing season is over.
Once the building is complete the second stage is the access road to the club which is owned by the church. The expected heavy goods traffic will mean this will need to be repaired or completely redone. Disabled parking and replacing the boundary fencing with the removal of some hedging and a ramp access for wheelchairs. This may take us into the playing season but will have a reduced impact on the participation of the sport. The solar panels will be done once funding allows but we will make sure that the relevant electrical works are done before completion of the building.
The current grounds man’s equipment will need to be replaced, most is on its last legs except the main mower which was purchased 5 years ago secondhand.
We will be looking for junior woods and disability equipment for coaching thus allowing everyone the opportunity to try the game including local Scout, Cubs, Guides and local schools.
We will be talking to the local groups to see what is currently available and how we can enhance the current offerings. There are a few local charity groups who we will approach for funding the disabled toilets equipment and junior/disabled bowls equipment.
We will also look to purchase a new kitchen that would allow us to offer the facility to cater for functions. Investigations will be done on to what requirements are needed for this to happen and it may mean we can use a majority of the current kitchen cabinets.
If you wish to help us please fill in the survey by clicking on this link