Competition Rules
31. Types
Annual competitions shall be held. The competitions will be, Novice Singles, Singles, Pairs, Triples, Rinks, Over 60 Pairs, Champion of Champion Singles, a 3 Rink Knock Out between Clubs for the Hants & Berks Cup and a Two Wood Triples.
(b) A Novice is defined as any player in an Affiliated Club, Registered or not for League matches, who has only had up to 3 years bowling experience and has not won any of the following
i) A National / County / Open Competition.
(ii) This or another Association / District / League Competition, apart from being a member of a Club multi-triple or rink team, not including the BE National 2 Fours.
32. Open Tournaments:
Two Open Tournaments will be held annually whenever possible, preferably on the spring and Summer Bank Holidays, at venues to be arranged.
33. Closing Dates:
The closing dates for entries, competition dates for competition rounds, fixed dates for Pairs, Triples. Rinks, and Hants & Berks rounds, and dates for tournaments will be decided by the council .
34. Eligibility:
a) Competitors in all competitions may only enter from one club and must be available for the leagues with that Club in the current season. A competitor who changes Club after the competition entries have been recorded must notify the Competition Secretary of that change and cannot compete with members of the former Club.
b) The Singles Champion of a Club from the past season will be eligible to enter the Champion of Champions competition for that Club, providing he entered in that season and in the current season any other BDBA competition ( other than open competitions).
35. There will be no time extensions granted except under exceptional circumstances.
36. Semi finals & Finals:
(a) Semi Finals to be on neutral greens to be mutually agreed by the two teams.
(b) Finals venue to be arranged by the competition secretary.
(c) Dates to be confirmed on competition entry sheets.
37. Challenge Method
The first named players in each tie shall be the challenger, and be responsible for all arrangements. The challenges must, within 7 days of the start of the round, offer his opponent at least three dates for play, not all in the same week, and not on Friday night League nights. The opponent must, within 3 days, accept one of the dates offered or concede the tie. The time for commencing a tie shall be mutually agreed, but no player / s shall be compelled to accept a time earlier than 6.00 pm. Mondays to Fridays, or 10:00am Saturdays or Sundays, nor after 6:30pm. any day.
In the event of the challenger not fulfilling his obligation according to these rules, The opponent shall offer one date that must be accepted and contact the Competition Secretary. No alteration of an accepted date shall be made, unless mutually agreed upon. Failing such arrangement, the Players desiring such alteration must play on the accepted date, or give his opponent a 'walk over'.
38 to 40 not used.