Basingstoke & District Bowling Association
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 10th December 2024 at Kingsclere Bowling Club 7.00 pm
1. Moments silence for absent friends.
2. Chairman's opening address.
3. Presentation of Trophies etc
4.Minutes of AGM held on 5th December 2023
5. Matters arising.
6. Officers reports.
* President.
*Competition Secretary.
*League Secretaries, Monday League. Friday League.
*Match Secretary.
7, Propositions.
8, Election of Officers.
*Hon. Secretary
9. AOB.
10. Chairman's closing remarks.
Contact Information
David Morris
Find Basingstoke & District Bowling Association
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Additional Information
Please see 'Member Clubs' page for information on individual Clubs.