Boyton Parish lies on the border of Devon and Cornwall approximately 5.5 miles to the north of Launceston. Essentially a farming community, the parish covers an area of approximately 7 square miles (4200 acres) and at its highest is about 400 feet above sea level. In 1801 the population of the parish was 319 persons and interestingly enough, the number of people on the 2011 census was 425, a very small change in population over 200 years!
Boyton continues to change and develop but it remains a friendly and welcoming community. The Thursday coffee mornings are an opportunity for neighbours to meet and chat. The two churches hold regular services and there is a thriving primary school which welcomes pupils from inside and outside the parish. Please find more details under the What's On / Local Business heading.
The parish council generally meets once a month / every six weeks on Mondays in the Parish Church Hall at 7.30pm.The date for the next meeting can usually be found in the 'What's On' section of the website, under 'Village Diary'. Parishioners are most welcome to attend and are asked to be seated by 7.25pm. Any items for the agenda must be notified to the Parish Clerk at least 10 days before the meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday, June 10, 2024 at 7.30pm.
Contact details for the Parish Clerk:
Suzanne Cleave
email: boytonparishclerk@outlook.com
phone: 07926 979661 / 07853 298595
*** NEWS ***
It has come to the parish council's attention that there has been an increase recently in dog fouling in the parish. Please pick up after your dog and use the dog bis provided. Please DO NOT use the parish salt bins. Thank you for your co-operation.