Mens Section
Our Men’s section currently has over 70 playing members. This season as in past seasons we have an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ team in the West Sussex Bowls League.
On Tuesday evenings from June to August, we also run a men's internal triples league consisting of 6 teams, each with 6 or more players. We also have a similar league playing mixed triples on Friday afternoons.
We have several club competitions for the men along with mixed competitions throughout the season, culminating in a finals weekend in September.
Throughout the year we play men's and mixed friendly matches against other clubs both home and away.
All the above matches and games are in addition to daily ‘Roll-ups’, where you can book online or simply turn up at the club and play 2 hour friendly bowls sessions with whoever is there also wanting a roll up game.
So whatever your interest we have the facilities to allow you to play when ever you like, at a level you choose, in a friendly club.
We welcome applications from anyone who would like to take up bowls as a new active pastime and of course any experienced players new to the area or thinking of moving clubs. If you would like to become a member, then please contact our Membership Secretary by email at We will send you a Membership Application Form to fill in and we will arrange an informal chat to discuss your application and answer any questions before you apply or simply visit the club and talk to us.