
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 26/09/24 at 12:00 in the Shed. If you want to vote at the meeting you will need to have renewed your membership.
You can pay the Duty Manager £10.00 at any Shed session before then.
If you can't attend the AGM then there will be the opportunity to use a Proxy Vote. Please speak to a Trustee about getting a form.
And if you would like to stand as a Trustee please speak to any Trustee. You will be very welcome.
Our short Monday Book Club sessions continue to create some interesting comments about the book we've just read. Our next book is The Offing by Benjamin Myers. We will discuss this on Monday 23/09/24. The next book after that will be Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes. Books can be bought from local bookshops and charity shops or borrowed from the Library.
Frome Town Council (FTC) hope to hold their annual Apple Day celebration in the Old Showground on Saturday 19/10/24. FTC have asked if we would take along the Big Apple as a free activity. This is a very popular activity with youngsters and adults. If you can help on the day please let Pam Curtis know.
To see the full newsletter with pictures go to the newsletter page: http://www.fromeshed.org.uk/community/frome-shed-12888/newsletters/
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