Community Projects
The Frome Shed are delighted to work on projects for other Charities and Community Groups in the area. Here are a selection
- Help, advice and tools to support the Frome Wardrobe Collective
- Planters for the Trinity Residents Association
- Football table for the Vallis Community Centre Youth Club
- Scooter Rack for Vallis First School
- Making Bird and Bat boxes at the Children's Festival
- Making Bird and Bat Boxes at “Wildlife and Wonder at Asham Wood” (Somerset Wildlife Trust )
- Thanks to R.Meader - Open Story tellers - For his picture of the Bardic Chair
- Jigsaws for Nunney First School
- Pin Loom for the Frome Textiles Group
- Signpost for the YMCA Mendip 125th Anniversary celebration Service
- Scooter rack for Trinity Church of England VC First School (With Sustrans)
- Planters for the Blue House
- Nut cracker soldiers for Nunney School
- Community Fridge refurbishment
- Bird boxes for Frome Town Council (With Critchill School)
- Re-painting the PAC offices
- The Bardic Chair for Open Story Tellers
- Repaired Chairs for Open Story Tellers, and the Black Swan Arts Group
- Repairs - folding table and shelf for Edventure.
- Making various items for the Frome textiles Group - Loom clamps, Raddles
- Making Planters for Incredible Edible
- Get your Knives out for the Mayor (Knife sharpening for the Mayor's Charities)
If you are a local Community Group or Charity, Please contact us if you think we can help !