What we do
The Frome Men’s Shed undertakes small woodworking, DIY and repair projects for other Community Groups, and local residents.
Some of the projects we have worked on include making Planters, Owl boxes, loom clamps, curtain rails and other small projects.
We regularly repair small items of furniture for Frome residents in return for donations – But we never take on any work that may be in competition to local businesses. We have repaired an easel, a card table, rocking chair, other chairs – We have put together a flat-pack set of shelves, for someone who had lost the instructions!
Many “Shedders” work on their own woodworking projects. These include carving, dog kennels, rabbit hutches, plant holders, Looms and many more.
The Frome Shed attends a range of external events, both to undertake work for other groups in Frome, to exhibit or speak at events on Men's Sheds, Health matters, or other Community gatherings.