Neighbourhood Watch
Please keep an eye out during these dark mornings and evenings for unusual activities. At least it is getting lighter each day. If car occupants or people appear to be snooping around, notice and report if it looks suspicious. Be vigilant, notice surroundings when out and about. Be vigilant in any situation rather than alarmed. On 8.2.25 I found a knife with a broken handle on the side of the road next to the pavement in front of Rolvenden Village Hall. It could be innocent but I thought it strange somebody would discard such an item in this way unless it was from a vehicle. The only alternative would be if someone was carrying it. I alerted the police immediately and they collected it the same day. I have also alerted the local police officer and escalated it to the Ashford NHW rep.
If anybody is carrying an offensive weapon (catapult, sharp tool) and committing a crime such as wildlife crime and you are concerned, it's best to report it, notice who is carrying what so you are able to get a good description of a person's or people's build, hair, complexion, any special features and clothing/accessories. Best not make any comments to aggravate the situation. I have had situations of anti-social behaviour and I replied with kindness rather than any comment to aggravate the situation.
Always report all incidents to the police (phone/online) to build up a picture of crime. The police did say that Rolvenden it quite safe the last time they came to the Rolvenden Parish Council meeting.
My Parish magazine articles are focussing on recent fraud and scams.
Stay safe and alert.
Reporting crime to the police
Serious crimes in progress dial 999, other incidents via 101 (phone) or online using Live chat:
Hearing or speech impairments. If you are deaf or have a speech impairment and you've pre-registered with the emergency SMS service, you can use the textphone service: 18000 or text 999.
Siân Reeves
Rolvenden Neighbourhood Watch