100 Club
The 100 Club runs from November to October each year and we currently have 134 members taking part at £12 per annum.
New members are always welcome and can join at any time at £1 for each remaining month of the year.
At the moment we have 4 monthly prizes of £20, £15, £10 and £5. The £50 Harper Memorial Bonus will be drawn at the Harper Memorial Triples Day at the end of June. We also have an Easter and Christmas bonus of £50, with the Easter bonus being called the Tom Rodger Memorial Bonus, and the Christmas bonus now being called the Roy Durston Memorial Bonus, both of whom ran the 100 Club for about 10 years each.

Winners December 2024
The December draw was made early to enable a Christmas spending spree by the lucky few - on the 9th December, by Club Member Roy Wildman who was reckless enough to sup with the Sharnbrook Coven. The December pay out includes the Roy Durston Memorial bonus. The late Roy Durston was a long serving Club member who contributed many years of service to the Club in the tasks he undertook.
Merry Christmas to all our readers.
Here are this month's lucky winners:-
Position | Prize | Number | Winner | (Status) |
1st |
£20 |
67 |
Luna Jeffs |
(Friend) |
2nd |
£15 |
152 |
Bobby Dazzler |
(Friend) |
3rd |
£10 |
99 |
Dave Parry |
(Member) |
4th |
£5 |
16 |
Jan Leaper |
(Friend) |
Roy Durston Bonus |
£50 |
90 |
Lady Penelope |
(Member) |
Congratulations to all this month's winners.
Thank you all for your support.
Sharnbrook Bowls Club