Club Competitions
Initial Draws of club competitions can usually be found at the links below (or from the drop down menu above) and will be made in early April. Entries should be in by 1st April for all exception the fledging cup. Links to the competitions will be available below some time after the draws have been made.
Please check the clubhouse for up to date details and results. Results may not be added/up to date here.
Please do your best to play the matches by the due dates indicated.
In all competitions the first* named player (or pair) is responsible for contacting their opponents in good time and offering dates to play the match.
* Note due to a quirk in the entry system, the order of players on the draws in some competitions on the following pages are reversed from the actual draw, so it is the second named players on these pages, but first named players on the lists at the club. See notes on individual pages.
If contact hasn't been made 2 weeks before the closing date, the second named player (or pair) should remind the first of their duty.
If a date is still not agreed, then the first named player (or pair) will lose the game by default.
Mixed Triples Competition ……………Each game shall consist of 18 ends. 3 bowls per player.
The quarter and semi-finals are to be played on fixed dates and at fixed times.
For 2020 there is no competition due to the coronavirus.
The time may only be changed if all 6 players agree. If not, a reserve must be used.
These matches may be played prior to these dates if all 6 players agree.
If a mutually agreed date still cannot be found, the team unable to play on the original fixed date will lose the match by default.
If, once the draw has been completed, you find you are unable to play (and an earlier date cannot be agreed), please ask the first member on the reserve list to take your place for the remainder of the competition.
Reserves must be used in the order listed.
If there are no names listed as reserves, contact Ken Mann who will try to find a substitute.
If you are drawn into a team and then unable to play, you cannot enter (or re-enter) the competition at a later stage.
Any additional games before the quarter finals must be played by their ‘play by dates’.
Pairs and Mixed Pairs Competitions………Each game shall consist of 21 ends. 4 bowls per player.
If, once the draw has been completed, you find you are unable to play, please ask the first member on the reserve list to take your place for the remainder of the competition.
Reserves must be used in the order listed.
If there are no names listed as reserves, contact Ken Mann who will try to find a substitute.
The players taking part in the first game shall constitute the team and shall normally play together throughout the Competition.
One additional, and the same player, may be used as a reserve at any time provided they have not already played in the Competition.
The named entrant of a team cannot be a member or reserve of any other team in the same Competition.
Singles Competitions……………………………Each game shall consist of 21 points. 4 bowls per player.
A knowledgeable marker must be appointed.
In the event of a tie in any Pairs, Mixed Pairs or Triples Competition, an extra end to be played.
All rounds up to the final to be played in Greys and White Shirts (preferably Club Shirts).
All finals to be played in Greys and Club Shirts.
For any queries – please contact Ken Mann.