About Parish Councils
What the Parish Council Does?
The Council is the lowest tier of local government. The Council has little power but a reasonable amount of influence. Their main role is to exert influence on the decisions of District and County Councils. They are consulted on local Planning Applications, Highway/Road Safety issues, long term planning and wider community involvement strategies. A Parish Council is a local authority whose councillors are voted on by the electors in the Parish area and serve for four years.
They are elected to serve and administer the residents of Stretton under Fosse. The Parish Councillors determine and set policy to cater for the social, cultural, welfare and environmental needs of Stretton under Fosse. Powers are mostly discretionary, i.e. they can be used to as great or little extent as their community wishes.
All councillors adhere to the Parish Council Code of Conduct and complete a register of interests.
Planning decisions are taken by Rugby Borough Council. They give details of every planning application to Stretton under Fosse Parish Council for the Council to review. They take into account the Parish Council’s views and comments on planning applications, but our views have no greater influence than a member of the public commenting on an application.
Where do Parish Councils get their money?
The Parish Council sets a budget every year known as the Precept. The money is collected for them by Rugby Borough Council through the Council Tax bills. This is paid by the electors in the Parish. The Parish Council may also receive grants and income in other ways. They use this to help improve life for their local community in many ways.
What does the Parish Council do?
Elections to the Parish Council are held every 4 years.
The Parish Council employs a part-time Parish Clerk to implement policy decisions. The Parish Clerk carries out her duties from her home. The Parish Council also provides a conduit for complaints regarding overgrown trees, silted up drains, sewage problems, grass verges and street lighting. They lobby for improvements in highways, footpaths, road safety etc.
Representation is made to other local councils where appropriate on planning and other matters.
How often does the Parish Council Meet?
The second Tuesday of every other month. Meeting starts at 7pm in Stretton under Fosse Village Hall. Agendas are published on the website and noticeboard alongside the minutes of each meeting.