DBS Application Procedures for EBCS and Coach Bowls
DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service
For coaching you will need an Enhanced DBS
DBS certificates are valid for up to 3 years (unless updated annually using the DBS Update Service - see below)
English Bowls Coaching Society (EBCS) DBS Application Procedure
For a DBS Application Form, please email carolwattsullivan@virginmedia.com to request one to be posted to you.
Complete the form and return it to Carol along with two forms of identification and a cheque for £12.
Copies of your ID are required - not the originals - as they are not returned to you.
It takes approx two weeks to process an application.
When you receive your DBS certificate you can register for the DBS Update Service (see below) - this will update your certificate annually, and as a volunteer, there is no fee.
Your club secretary will need to see your DBS certificate.
2. Coach Bowls DBS Application Procedure
Email Adam Durnin at Coach Bowls adam.durnin@coachbowls.org and he will send you a link to complete the form online.
The online fee for an Enhanced DBS is £12.60.
You will need to take ID to a post office who, for a fee of £6 (at time of writing), will confirm your identity.
When you receive your form you can register for the DBS Update Service (see below) - this will update your certificate annually, and as a volunteer, there is no fee.
Your club secretary will need to see your DBS certificate.
DBS Update Service
You will need your certificate number. You must register for the Update Service within 30 days of the certificate being issued.
Look at your DBS certificate and to the left of the certificate number it should say NO DBS FEE CHARGED. This will allow you to register for free.
To Register: Use https://www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service then you will be able to sign in and subscribe to the update service
A subscription to the Update Service lasts for one year.
You can renew your subscription through the Update Service, either:
- when you first register, by choosing automatic renewal
- up to 30 days before your current subscription ends - but you cannot renew on the last day of your subscription
Sign in to the Update Service to renew your subscription.
Please remember to confirm this is for a voluntary position.
For additional information:
DBS customer services
Telephone: 0300 0200 190
Welsh: 0300 0200 191
Minicom: 0300 0200 192
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except public holidays)