Regular Bookings
Weekly timetable
The Main Hall and Meeting Room have regular bookings. Please refer to the weekly timetables below for details. If you are interested in attending any of the events/classes please contact the individual organisation direct. Their contact details are also listed below.
Other regular bookings
Animal Charities Markets hold Table Top Sales once a month on Saturday afternoons.
Regular bookings contact details
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Animal Charities Markets |
Michele Matthews |
(0115) 9312294 |
Lorna Leighton School of Dancing |
Lowdham Pantomime Group |
Natalie Rose-Whyte |
07792 762512 |
Lowdham Pre-School | |
Steeple Steppers Dance Club |
David & Kath Williams |
(01949) 860843 |
Taekwondo |
Jamie Tuxford |
07977 923969 |
The Bookcase |
(0115) 9664143 |
Warthog Live Music | |
(0115) 9653514 |
Line Dancing |
Paul Chapman |
07722 123887 |
Red Fox Fairs |
Paula |
07903 595023 |
Contact details for Lowdham organisations represented on the Village Hall & Playing Fields Committee
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Lowdham Baha’i Group |
Brigitte Beales |
07932 173105 or e-mail |
Lowdham Bowls Club |
Michael Stone (Hon. Secretary) |
(0115) 8411559 |
Lowdham Colts Football Club |
Lowdham Cricket Club |
Andy Seager (Hon. Secretary) |
(0115) 9664715 |
Lowdham Horticultural Society |
Lowdham Local History Society |
Maureen Handley (Secretary) |
(0115) 9669462 |
Lowdham Pantomime Group |
Natalie Rose-Whyte |
07792 762512 |
Lowdham Parish Council |
Lowdham WI |
Bo Heath (Booking Secretary) |
(0115) 9663073 |
St Mary's Church, Lowdham |
Tracey Akehurst (Administrator) |
(0115) 9652114 or e-mail |