Neighbourhood Plan Group
Neighbourhood Plan Draft Review 2022
Open day invitation is below under attachments. 13th February 2022.
For your views please complete the following survey:
Closing date 05th March 2022
Having asked you about your views on housing, parking and a potential change to the Conservation Area boundary – we have now revised the plan and want to check we have got the changes right?
The main changes being proposed to the plan are:
Policy MSA1: New Development - amended to remove reference to exceptional circumstances for open market housing outside the defined settlement boundary.
Policy MSA2: Housing Types - amended to include a local connection clause so that local people are prioritised for affordable housing.
Policy MSA3: Employment Needs - updated to reflect national changes to the Use Class Order and permitted development rights that would create a possible loophole.
Policy MSA5: Camelco site - removal of reference to the provision of a branch surgery, additional wording to allow the funding of the pre-school on another site within the village if preferred.
Policy MSA8: Parking Provision - reference to the design of car parking spaces to avoid enclosed garages and in-line parking provision, and added requirement for provision to include electric vehicle charging points.
Policy MSA9: Landscape Character - historic rural barns and farm buildings highlighted as important features.
Policy MSA13: Design - updates to reflect the additional features of character identified through the Conservation Appraisal process.
In addition to these, there are other minor updates, such as to reflect the progress on the traffic management project, and to highlight further projects from the Sports Club (an open sided shelter) and Village Hall (extension of the Car Park) that they consider would enhance their facilities.
The main areas of change are shown in purple shading in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Need to see a paper copy? Copies will be available in the Londis. Or come along to our consultation event open from 10:30am to 12:30pm on Sunday, 13th February at the Village Hall if you have any questions about the Neighbourhood Plan to put to the Neighbourhood Plan Group volunteers.
Milborne St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan
Why do we need a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ for Milborne St Andrew? To have a real say on where new houses are to be built, who they are for and whether they are cheap enough to buy or rent. Milborne St Andrew Parish Council supports the Neighbourhood Plan Group and in 2019 out first Neighbourhood Plan was officially ‘made’ part of the development plan for the area, and is an important document shaping what development may or may not be allow.
We have started a review in November 2020, so watch this space.
The area covered by the plan is the whole of the parish as shown here.

We are looking to the future of Milborne St Andrew so that those looking back can say we live in a great village with good homes and facilities unspoilt by inappropriate development. We are always on the lookout for more people to come and help, if you feel that you want to contribute your expertise or just love of this area – contact us on
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