Documents to NP examination 2019
As the local planning authority, the District Council consulted on the submitted Neighbourhood Plan proposals prior to the examination taking place. People were given from Friday 18 January 2019 to Friday 1 March 2019 to make comments on the plan and its associated documents. An independent examiner (Mr David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI) was appointed and the representations received were passed on to him for consideration as part of the examination process.
The Examiner issued his report on 13 May 2019. He concluded that provided the recommended modifications were made, the plan would meet the basic conditions. He therefore recommended that the plan, as modified, should proceed to referendum.
The referendum relating to the Milborne St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2033 took place on 8 August 2019. The result of the referendum was that a majority (91%) voted for Dorset Council to use the neighbourhood plan to help decide planning applications in the Parish of Milborne St Andrew.
The Milborne St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2033 was 'made' adopted by Dorset Council on the 1 October 2019.”