Boroughbridge Lions and Boroughbridge Community Care (BCC) are working together on a joint venture to reduce food waste and so have set up BOROUGHBRIDGE COMMUNITY LARDER. It is situated in Boroughbridge Methodist Church, Horsefair, YO51 9AH.
What is a Community Larder? It is a place where ANYONE (shops, households, farmers, allotment holders etc) can donate any surplus food they have; this food is then available to ANYONE, free of charge, regardless of means. Boroughbridge Community Larder is not a food bank.
What is the difference?
Food banks provide EMERGENCY food parcels for people in crisis. A referral is usually required from someone such as a GP, social worker, school etc. Often there is a restriction on how often food can be collected eg 3 times in every 6 months.
Boroughbridge Community Larder is there to stop edible food going to landfill (this will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions which in turn will help climate change) . ANYONE can donate food and ANYONE can take a free bag of food. It is a friendly place which is helpjng to bring our local community together.
We have had several Ukrainian families visit the Community Larder in the last few weeks and we are sure there are probably more in the area who don’t know about it. If anyone knows of any please could you show them our website - apologies in advance for any mistakes in the translation.
Привіт і ласкаво просимо.
Комора Boroughbridge Community працює щосереди з 12:00 до 1:30 у методистській церкві Boroughbridge, Horsefair.
Мета полягає в тому, щоб зменшити кількість харчових відходів і припинити відправлення їжі на звалище, що шкодить навколишньому середовищу.
КОЖЕН може прийти і отримати безкоштовну їжу в сумці.
Чай і кава подаються в церковній залі 11.45 - 12.45