P&D Rule Book revised5/24
P&D Rule Book 2023
Plymouth and District Bowling Men’s League
Rules and Constitution
December 2023
1.1 Title and Object
- The League shall be called “The Plymouth and District Bowling Men’s League” whose object shall be to organise and promote the game of bowls in the area.
2.1 Membership
2.1.1 Membership of the League shall be open to all Men’s Bowling Clubs in the Plymouth area. Application for affiliation must reach the Hon. Secretary of the League by the 15 September, for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. Not less than 80% of the votes cast shall be required by an applicant to secure election.
2.1.2 Affiliated clubs are to hold their Annual General (or Men’s Section) Meetings between the dates of the October Executive Meeting and the League Annual General Meeting.
2.1.3 The Annual Affiliation Fee for each club shall be payable before the date of the Spring Meeting.
2.1.4 Each affiliated club secretary shall submit, on forms provided, to the League Hon. Secretary before the date of the A.G.M. the names, addresses and telephone number of the Club Chairman, Hon. Secretary and the P&D Delegates. Any subsequent changes are to be reported immediately to the League Hon. Secretary.
2.1.5 All affiliated Clubs to hold Public & Civil Liability Insurance as provided by Bowls England (or equivalent) and shall produce a copy of said insurance (or form confirming said insurance signed by the Club’s Officers) by the Spring Executive Meeting.
3.1 Annual General Meetings
3.1.1 The Annual General Meeting of the LEAGUE shall be held during the SECOND WEEK of November, to:
a) Receive the Hon. Secretary’s Report.
b) Receive the Hon. Fixture and Result Secretary’s Report.
c) Receive the Hon. Treasurer’s Report and the Statement of Accounts for the year ending 15th October.
d) Determination of Grants
e) Approve application for Affiliation.
f) Determine the composition of the Divisions of the Saturday League.
g) Confirm the composition of the Divisions of the Evening League.
h) Elect the Officers for the following year.
i) Elect TWO auditors.
j) Elect on ONE REPRESENTATIVE from each Division of the Saturday League, to serve on the General Purposes Committee.
k) Decide on all matters included on the agenda and any other business of an emergent nature, as determined by the CHAIRMAN and announced at the commencement of the meeting.
3.1.2 At least FOURTEEN DAYS before the Annual General Meeting, the full agenda of the A.G.M. together with the Hon. Secretary’s Report and Statement of Accounts (duly signed) shall be sent to the Officers of the League and to the Hon. Secretary of each affiliated club.
3.1.3 The attendance at the Annual General Meeting by at least ONE delegate from each affiliated club shall be MANDATORY default of which a fine of FIVE POUNDS shall be imposed.
4.1 Special Meetings
4.1.1 Special General Meetings of the League shall be called at the discretion of the G.P.C, the Executive Committee or by a decision taken at the Annual General Meeting. Attendance at Special Meetings by at least ONE delegate from each Affiliated Club is MANDATORY, default of which a fine of FIVE POUNDS shall be imposed on the Club concerned.
5.1 The Officers
5.1.1 The Officers of the League shall comprise:
Senior Vice President
Junior Vice President
Immediate Past President
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
Hon. Assistant Secretary
Hon. Fixtures and Results Secretary
5.1.2 Nominations for election of Officers shall be returned to the Hon. Secretary on the forms provided, not later than the date of the Executive Committee Meeting. All nominations shall signify the consent of the Nominee.
6.1 General Purposes Committee
6.1.1 The General Purposes Committee shall comprise of the Officers of the League and ONE elected representative from each Division of the Saturday League.
6.1.2 The G.P.C. shall meet as necessary to ensure the effective administration of the League’s affairs. Normally the THIRD MONDAY of each month which may be changed at the discretion of the President or the League Secretary.
6.1.3 Any member, who does not notify the Hon. Secretary that he is unable to attend a meeting and does not attend for THREE consecutive meetings, shall be disqualified from attending any further meetings for the remaining part of the year. The G.P.C. shall have the right to co-opt a new member.
6.1.4 The G.P.C. shall have the power to appoint sub-committees
6.1.5 The G.P.C. shall have the power to co-opt additional members to the G.P.C.
6.1.6 The decision of the G.P.C. shall be binding by all Affiliated Clubs and registered members, subject to appeal (see also Rule 9.1.2)
7.1 Executive Committee
7.1.1 The affairs of the League shall be the responsibility of an Executive Committee comprising:
General Purposes Committee
Two delegates from each Affiliated Club
7.1.2 The Executive Committee shall meet on the Second Monday of April and October. Special Executive Committee Meetings shall be convened by the League Hon. Secretary as required or by:
a) The written request of THREE or more Affiliated Clubs
b) The decision of the General Purposes Committee
c) The decision of the Executive Committee
7.1.3 Attendance at all Executive and Special Committee Meetings by at least ONE delegate of each Affiliated Club shall be MANDATORY, in default of which a fine of FIVE POUNDS shall be imposed on the Club concerned.
7.1.4 The Executive shall, at the April Meeting, consider for approval the proposed list of Representative Matches for the ensuing season. At the October Meeting the Executive Committee shall.
a) Receive the Annual Report from the General Purposes Committee.
b) Receive and debate notices of motion and amendments that have been submitted for decision by the Annual General Meeting.
c) Determine the Registration Fees for the ensuing year.
d) Receive entries for Saturday League, Evening League and Inter Club Tournaments for the ensuing year.
e) Discuss applications by clubs for affiliation to the League.
f) Make representations for the amount of Grants to be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
8.1 Disputes and Protests
8.1.1 Written notice of a dispute or protest, duly signed by TWO officers of the Club concerned, shall be lodged with the League’s Secretary within FOURTEEN DAYS of the alleged incident.
8.1.2 Those concerned in the dispute shall be notified of, and be invited to attend, the appropriate meeting(s) of the G.P.C. convened to deal with such matters.
8.1.3 Any Club failing to pay fines imposed within FOURTEEN DAYS of the official notification of the fine, by the Hon. Secretary, shall be SUSPENDED from the League until the fine has been paid. Should a further FOURTEEN DAYS elapse and the fine remain unpaid then that Club shall CEASE to be affiliated to the League.
8.1.4 In the event of any matter or dispute arising, which is not covered by the rules, all such matters must be referred to the G.P.C, whose decision shall be binding on the Clubs or Members concerned.
9.1 Appeals
9.1.1 There shall be no right of appeal against any decision taken at a GENERAL or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING.
9.1.2 Appeals against a decision made by the G.P.C. shall be lodged with the League’s Hon. Secretary. Appeals are to be in WRITING, within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of the notification of the decision. A fee of FIVE POUNDS is to accompany such appeals.
9.1.3 Appeals shall be referred to the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee. If upheld the committee may authorise the refund of the fee and fine, in total or part, if appropriate.
9.1.4 Only in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the President shall a Special Executive Meeting be convened to receive such appeals.
10.1 Finance
10.1.1 The funds of the League shall be deposited in a BANK, in the name of THE PLYMOUTH AND DISTRICT BOWLING LEAGUE.
10.1.2 Withdrawals shall require two signatories; The signatures are to be the League’s Hon. Treasurer, Secretary and/or Fixture and Results Secretary.
10.1. 3 The League’s Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer shall be jointly responsible for the purchase of administrative requirements and the entry into transactions as authorised by the Executive or General Purposes Committee.
11.1 League Property
11.1.1 Property of the League shall be vested in the Executive Committee who shall ensure that League Trophies and Regalia are adequately insured.
11.1.2 Holders of League Trophies shall sign for their receipt on presentation, be responsible for their safe custody and ensure that they are returned complete and in good condition to the League’s Hon. Treasurer by the 1st September, in default of which a fine of FIVE POUNDS shall be imposed.
12.1 Standing Orders
12.1.1 Chairman. The President or his deputy shall preside at all meetings and be entitled to exercise a casting vote.
12.1.2 Quorum. A quorum shall comprise:
a) Annual and Special Meetings – 30 Members who have the power to vote.
b) Committee Meetings – 25 % of those entitled to vote are to be present.
c) General Purposes Committee – 50 % of the Elected Committee
13.1 Voting Procedure
13.1.1 At the A.G.M. and Special Meetings all votes will be card votes. Cards will be issued to delegates of each Affiliated Club.
13.1.2 For each ballot the cards will be collected and scrutinised by appointed auditors, who will give the result to the President.
13.1.3 The right to vote at the Annual or Special Meetings shall, be restricted to ONE accredited delegate, (who must be in attendance) of each Affiliated Club. Although any registered member of an Affiliated Club may speak on any matter for discussion.
13.1.4 Members of the General Purposes Committee will not have the power to vote, unless they are a delegated member for their Club.
13.1.5 The result of the ballot will be on a straight majority for all propositions, except for a change of rule.
13.1.6 Alteration or Addition to the Rules shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting, or a Special Meeting convened for that purpose, and shall require a TWO – to – ONE majority to become effective.
13.1.7 All Clubs shall have the power to vote on all other matters except for Saturday League matters, when voting will be restricted to the Clubs playing in the Saturday League.
13.1.8 Officers of the League shall be elected by ballot, in accordance with Rule 13.1.1. In the event of a tied vote between TWO or more candidates, a further card vote between the tied candidates shall be taken. The number of votes that have been cast for each candidate shall be determined by the scrutinizers and declared at the meeting by the Chairman.
13.1.9 All Executive and GPC Committee meetings, votes will be by a show of hands
13.1.10 The Chairman shall have a second and casting vote
13.1.11 All Motions or changes to rules shall have immediate effect
14.1 Submission of Motions
14.1.1 Notices of Motions to be included in the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting may be submitted by:
a) The Executive Committee
b) The General Purposes Committee
c) Any Affiliated Club
14.1.2 To qualify, Affiliated Clubs must submit such motion(s) to the League’s Hon. Secretary by the 15th August.
14.1.3 Motions, properly submitted, (see Rule 16.1) shall be circulated to all Club Secretaries.
15.1 Amendments to Motions
15.1.1 Amendments to Motions must be submitted to the League’s Hon. Secretary by the 15th. September duly signed by TWO responsible members of that Club.
15.1.2 To qualify, an amendment shall be relevant to that particular Motion and shall require:
a) Words to be deleted or
b) Words to be deleted and others to be inserted or,
c) Words to be added.
15.1.3 Such amendments shall NOT have the effect of introducing a substantially new proposal, or negating the Motion.
16.1 Approved Motions and Amendments
16.1.1 These shall be presented to and discussed by, the Executive Committee at their October Meeting and shall be included in the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting.
17.1 Rejection of any Motions or Amendments
17.1.1 Any Motion or Amendment, submitted by an Affiliated Club that is likely to incur a change of Rule, and is considered by the General Purposes Committee to be worded in ambiguous or incorrect manner, shall be rejected and returned to the sender. SEVEN further days shall then be allowed for ONE ONLY re-submission on the Motion or Amendment.
18.1 Procedure at an Annual General Meeting
18.1.1 Motions shall be:
a) Passed, or
b) Rejected, or
c) Remitted for further discussion and consideration
18.1.2 The FIRST proposition on any particular subject shall be known as the ORIGINAL MOTION. All succeeding propositions shall be called AMENDMENTS. After being seconded, discussion will continue. When an AMENDMENT is moved to an original motion, no further AMENDMENTS shall be discussed until the First Amendment has been disposed of. If an amendment is carried it displaces the Original Motion and itself becomes the Substantive Motion, where upon any further Amendments relating to that Substantive Motion may be moved, providing it is consistent with the subject matter.
After the vote on each succeeding Amendment has been taken, the surviving proposition shall be put to the vote as the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION, if carried shall become the RESOLUTION of the Meeting and cannot be rescinded at the Meeting at which it was carried. The mover of the Motion (but NOT the Amendment) who shall be an Officer of the League, or a Delegate of an Affiliated Club, shall have the right of reply. There shall be NO introduction of any new matters. Replies will be confined to questions raised in discussion. No other person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same Motion, unless permission to explain is given by the Chairman.
18.1.3 If a Motion or Amendment has no seconder then that Motion or Amendment lapses.
18.1.4 The Chairman shall exercise his discretion regarding the acceptance of any minor Amendment(s) submitted during the Meeting.
18.1.5 The Chairman’s decision on the rules of debate, and his interpretation on the Standing Orders shall be final, and no debate on his decision shall be allowed.
18.1.6 If a Motion to alter the pattern of play for Saturday League Matches is defeated at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting, all motions defeated for rules cannot be raised for a period of THREE YEARS, except where the motion receives over 50% of the votes but less than the required 66% majority it can be re-introduced the following year.
19.1 Registrations
19.1.1 All players, participating in matches or competitions arranged under the auspices of the Plymouth and District Bowling League shall be registered with the League by their Affiliated Clubs.
19.1.2 Clubs shall submit a list of players who are to be registered for the ensuing year, on the provided forms. Forms, together with the appropriate registration fee, are to be with the Hon. Treasurer of the League before the date of the April Executive Committee Meeting.
19.1.3 Clubs wishing to register further players, subsequent to this date and within the current registration year, shall forward the player(s) name together with DOUBLE the NORMAL REGISTRATION FEE to the Hon. FIXTURE AND RESULTS SECRETARY.
19.1.4 Confirming notices, of approved registrations, stating the commencing operative date, shall be forwarded to the representative Club Secretaries by the Fixture and Results Secretary.
NOTE The above rule is achieved by each Club retaining the duplicate of the list of registrations submitted and is operative from the date of the April Executive Meeting.
19.1.5 Any player is eligible to play ONLY FOR THE CLUB WITH WHOM HE IS REGISTERED. Clubs playing unregistered players or players registered with another Club shall incur a penalty of ONE THIRD of the TOTAL SCORE of ALL RINKS and be fined FIVE POUNDS.
19.1.6 A club wishing to enter multiple teams in the Plymouth and District Saturday, Evening Leagues must at the start of each season submit a separate registration form for each team containing a minimum of 16 players per team for the Saturday and Evening Leagues. Transfers between a club’s multiple teams allowed as per. league rule 20.1.1. Only ONE TEAM per club can be entered for all knockout competitions. Any breach of rules all registered multiple teams will incur a Four Point Penalty. The club shall still have the same voting rights as any other Club at the A.G.M. Multiple registered teams will be posted on the P&D website.
20.1 Transfers
20.1.1 The transfer of a registered player from one Affiliated Club and/or Team to another shall only be recognised and approved by the League. The written consent of both Clubs/Teams concerned is required by the League Fixture and Results Secretary. The player(s) concerned shall be ineligible to play in Plymouth and District Bowling League sponsored games until formal approval of the transfer, giving notice of the operative date, has been received by the Hon. Secretary of the Club/Team concerned.
20.1.2 A fee equal to DOUBLE the NORMAL REGISTRATION FEE shall be paid to the League in respect of each transfer, except where the players club has ceased to exist then the fee will be waived.
20.1.3 Having once registered with the League by a particular Club/Team any subsequent transfer of a player to another Affiliated Club/Team shall be in accordance with the Registration Rule 19.1.
20. 1.4 No transfers allowed after 31st August and no return transfers allowed in the same season
NOTE To facilitate transfers of players before the initial registration date, the Registration Form includes a declaration to be signed by the Club Secretary that any former players not listed, are FREE to join other Clubs.
21.1 Approved Fixtures
21.1.1 All Saturday and Evening League games are to be played outdoors, during the official playing season, on the dates and venues arranged or approved by the League Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary. In the event of the met office issuing an extreme weather warning clubs may postpone and re-arrange to an (agreeable date without being penalised).
21.1.2 The approved playing season for Saturday League matches is from the LAST Saturday in April to the FIRST Saturday in October.
21.1.3 NO friendly fixture shall supersede a scheduled Saturday League Fixture.
21.1.4 All League Fixtures arranged by the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary shall be finalised at the Spring Executive Meeting when they become permanent. Clubs may however be allowed to re-arrange Saturday League matches after this date if mutually agreed by the two Clubs. Such re-arrangements must be made and agreed and the Fixture and Results Secretary must be informed in writing before the commencement of the Saturday League fixtures.
Re- arrangement of a Saturday fixture within these rules will only be approved to be played on the last Saturday of the season under special conditions imposed by the G.P.C.
NOTE See also Rule 22.1
21.1.5 Re-arrangement of Saturday League games can also be made when
a) Weather conditions make play impossible
b) A Club is engaged in the Semi-Final round of the County Trophy Competition
c) The date coincides with the date appointed by the County for the last 16 and onward rounds of MAJOR COMPETITIONS. Clubs who have a minimum of FOUR players attending Last 16 and onward rounds can request a change of date.
d) A Club has won the County Trophy Competition and has been delegated by the COUNTY to play a match against a selected team from the rest of the County
e) It has been found necessary, because of exceptional circumstances for the G.P.C. to change the date or venue. Such exceptions are to be submitted in writing to the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary
f) A match is scheduled for the opening or closing day of the season.
21.1.6 The rounds of Inter – Club Competitions are to be played on the SCHEDULED DATES unless prevented by inclement weather.
22.1 Re-arrangement of Fixtures
22.1.1 All Saturday, Evening League matches NOT played on the scheduled date are to be re-arranged by the HOME club within the season parameters (Rule 21.1.2), and the new date mutually acceptable to both clubs. The League’s Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary must be notified by the HOME club when the date is confirmed.
22.1.2 Failure to agree a new date MUST also be reported to the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary. The General Purposes Committee will then determine the playing arrangements for such matches.
22.1.3 Subsequent failure, or refusal to comply with the G.P.C. directive will result in the offending Club or Clubs being fined the sum of FIVE POUNDS and the POINTS for the match awarded at the discretion of the G.P.C.
22.1.4 Any Club that cancels a match with the same Club more than once, for reasons not already allowed for in these rules, shall be fined FIVE POUNDS. The fine is to be paid to the opponents to allay costs.
23.1 Scoring (League Matches)
23.1.1 TWO points shall be awarded for a WIN and ONE point for a DRAW in Saturday and Evening League matches.
23.1.2 League positions shall be determined on the AGGREGATE of points awarded. In the event of two or more Clubs having equal points the SHOT DIFFERENCE will decide their position in the League Table. If Clubs have the same shot difference the Club with the highest number of shots for, will hold the higher position in the League Table.
23.1.3 Teams awarded a win for a match unplayed, or unfinished through default of their opponents, or by a breach of rules, shall receive TWO POINTS plus TWENTY-FIVE SHOTS. A similar award will be made for an unfinished Evening League match. The score at the end of play will be recorded if it has more than 5 to 0 advantage of the non-offending team.
24.1 Inter Club Competitions (e.g.; Cup K.O. Comps)
24.1.1 The team having scored the highest number of shots at the conclusion of the TWENTY-ONE ENDS shall be deemed the winner. If the score is equal after TWENTY-ONE ENDS having been played, the team Captains are to toss a coin to decide which team will play first bowl, ON EACH RINK, of the extra end to be played to produce a winning result.
25.1 Tournament Play
25.11 Play shall be regulated in accordance with the “Laws of the Sport of Bowls” as laid down by World Bowls or the relevant Regulatory Authority, with Plymouth and District League variations.
26.1 Submission of Results
26.1.1 The Hon. Secretary of the HOME Club shall forward to the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary, a RESULT card. Cards with the names of both teams taking part must be signed by a representative of each Club with the scores of League games ON COMPLETION OF THE MATCH.
26.1.2 In other competitions, the Hon. Secretary of the Winning Club shall be responsible for submitting the results to the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary.
26.1.3 ALL SATURDAY results are to be received by the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary by TUESDAY.
26.1.4 ALL EVENING MATCH RESULT CARDS are to be received by the Hon. Fixture and Results Secretary within THREE DAYS of the match being played
26.1.5 Failure to ensure receipt within the due dates will result in the imposition of a fine of FIVE POUNDS, for the first offence and FIVE POUNDS for each subsequent offence.
26.1.6 Falsification of match result cards and condoning such action will result in either or both teams being fined a sum not exceeding FIVE POUNDS.
27.1 Conditions of Play
27.1.1 Play shall be regulated in accordance with the “Laws of the Sport of Bowls” as laid down by World Bowls or the relevant Regulatory Authority, with Plymouth and District League variations.
27.1.2 Subject only to weather conditions, play shall commence at the times scheduled. No other licence shall be permitted for delaying the start of play.
27.1.3 Saturday matches to be played with 3 rinks x 8 ends (24 ends) but by mutual agreement teams can opt to play 4 rinks x 8 ends (32 ends) or 4 rinks x 6 ends (24 ends). Evening League matches will comprise of 21 ends.
27.1.4 Providing a MINIMUM of NINE players from each side are present matches shall proceed as scheduled. No rink shall comprise of less than THREE players.
28.1 Saturday League Composition
28.1.1 The Saturday League shall be organised in THREE DIVISIONS, with equal (or nearly so) number of teams in each Division. If equality is not possible, the lowest number of teams shall be placed in the FIRST DIVISION.
28.1.2 Application for entry into the Saturday, League must be submitted to the League’s Hon. Secretary, at or before the October Executive Meeting.
28.1.3 New entrants, including re-entrants, shall compete in the lowest Division.
28.1.4 At the end of each season the Second Division Champions and the runners up in this Division shall be promoted to the First. The bottom two teams of Division One shall be relegated to the Second Division. The same applies to the Second and Third Division
29.1 Saturday League Playing Rules
29.1.1 Saturday League matches will start at 2pm and shall consist of THREE ROUNDS each of EIGHT ends played on each of THREE rinks (24 ends). If participating clubs MUTUALLY AGREE, a different starting time and / or FOUR RINKS playing four rounds each of SIX or EIGHT ends may be played on each of four rinks (24 / 32 ends).
29.1.2 Trial ends shall not be permitted
29.1.3 The Leads of respective rinks shall toss to decide which team will play first. At the commencement of the first end of each round, the player who is first to play shall place the mat in accordance with BOWLS ENGLAND ruling.
29.1.4 Players arriving after the commencement of a Saturday League match may ONLY enter the game at the commencement of the NINTH END.
29.1.5 A deduction of 25% of the shots scored shall be made from each rink of THREE players at the conclusion of the round.
29.1.6 A match may be abandoned:
a) By order of the Greenkeeper.
b) By the Steward, appointed by the HOME CLUB, when inclement weather makes commencement or continuance of play impossible.
29.1.7 A match abandoned before the conclusion of the First Round shall be considered null and void and shall be re-played as a re-arranged fixture.
29.1.8 Should inclement weather cause a game to be unfinished, after the FIRST ROUND has been played, the match MUST be completed on a date agreeable to both teams concerned in accordance with Rule 22.1.1. In completing an unfinished match, ONE SUBSTITUTE PER RINK may be permitted from the original team but he MAY NOT PLAY AS SKIP.
29.1.9 In the event of a Saturday League match having to be re-arranged in accordance with the rules, it may be played either
a) As a TWENTY-FOUR or THIRTY-TWO end match played on another Saturday
b) As a TWENTY-FOUR or THIRTY-TWO end match to be played on a Sunday or a Bank Holiday, by mutual agreement of the Clubs concerned.
c) As a TWENTY-FOUR end match (FOUR ROUNDS of SIX ENDS), to be played on an evening between Monday and Friday commencing at 6 pm.
d) As a TWENTY-FOUR end match (FOUR ROUNDS of SIX ENDS) on two evenings during the same week. TWO ROUNDS per evening. Between Monday and Friday.
29.1.10 The expense of providing refreshments at Saturday League matches shall be shared by both teams concerned. The cost of Saturday refreshments shall be 50p Tea & Biscuits, £1.25 Full Tea
30.1 Evening League and Cup Competitions Playing Rules
30.1.1 Evening League and Cup Competitions matches shall commence at 6.15 pm Evening League,Buckingham and Littleton Cup matches shall consist of THREE RINKS, each playing TWENTY-ONE ENDS but can be 4 rinks of TWENTY-ONE ENDS if agreeable. The Evening League start time may be changed if mutually agreeable by both Clubs concerned. The Evening League shall be played as a League with two teams promoted and two teams relegated at the end of the season. Any new team will be admitted to the bottom Division of the League.
30.1.2 Players arriving after the commencement of these games may ONLY enter at the start of the SIXTH END.
30.1.3 A deduction of 25% of the shots scored shall be made from each rink of THREE players at:
a) The commencement of the SIXTH end, or
b) The conclusion of the game, as appropriate.
30.1.4 In the event of an Evening League or Cup Competition match having to be abandoned due to inclement weather, a match which has four rinks, a minimum of FORTY-EIGHT ends or a match which has three rinks, a minimum of THIRTY-SIX ends shall be played to constitute a game. If fewer than forty-eight or thirty-six ends have been played the game is to be re-played.
30.1.5 Inter Club Competitions shall be played on a Knock Out basis.
31.1 Tournament Play
31.1.1 Entry of Tournaments organised by the Plymouth and District Bowling League shall be open to registered members of Affiliated Clubs ONLY.
31.1.2 Competitors entering and playing in a “Pairs”, “Triple” or “Fours” tournament MUST be registered members of the same Club, and those taking part in the first game should normally play together throughout the tournament. ONE additional, and the SAME PLAYER, may be used as a substitute, provided he has NOT already played in the competition.
31.1.3 The inclusion of a substitute shall be notified to:
a) The appointed Steward.
b) The opponent’s failure to do so shall entail disqualification.
32.1 Farley Trophy
32.1.1 The competition shall be open to all Clubs Affiliated to the Plymouth and District Bowling League
32.1.2 Each Club will be limited to ONE entry
32.1.3 The competition shall be run on a knock out basis played on dates and venues decided by the G.P.C.
32.1.4 The competition will comprise of FIVE MATCHES played on the same day, namely a four woods singles, two woods single, a pair, a triple and a rink.
32.1.5 The TWO WOODS and the FOUR WOODS SINGLES to be played to the first reaching TWENTY ONE SHOTS. The HOME TEAM providing Markers.
The Pair to play TWENTY-ONE ends.
The Triple playing EIGHTEEN ends.
The Rink playing TWENTY-ONE ends.
In the event of the scores being tied at the end of the number of stated ends, an extra end or ends will be played to decide the winner.
32.1.6 The team winning most MATCHES will be forwarded to the next round.
32.1.7 Result Cards showing selected players, and in which MATCH they are playing are to be exchanged BEFORE the commencement of play. The ORDER OF PLAY MUST NOT BE CHANGED for the stated game.
32.1.8 If a Club is unable to field a competitor(s) that match will be awarded to the opponents, and will consist of ONE POINT in the GAME.
32.1.9 Substitutes will be al0lowed in subsequent rounds and teams will be free to re-arrange the playing order
32.1.10 Rink Allocation is to be decided as follows: The HOME team score cards are to be completed, EXCEPT for the RINK NUMBERS. The cards are then shuffled and placed FACE DOWN; the AWAY Secretary then nominates RINK NUMBERS to each card, i.e.; 1 to 5. The AWAY cards are then paired to the HOME cards.
33.1 DRESS
33.1.1 All players participating in Representative Matches shall wear the established Plymouth and District Bowling League dress, namely,
- Shoes with flat soles.
- White or Cream shirt and trousers unless specified by Hon. Secretary.
- League Tie
- League Blazer (black or dark blue) with pocket badge after three qualifying games, or
- Club Blazer (by qualifying players)
- League Lapel Badge
33.1.2 White or cream or coloured trousers/shorts (which must be Tailored or Bowls England approved) and shirts as approved by the Plymouth and District Bowling League. Clubs that have registered and Bowls Devon approved coloured sports shirts, shall be permitted to wear the shirts when playing in all Plymouth & District Bowling League Fixtures and Competitions. All team members must be similarly dressed. Should the colours of both teams be identical then the away team shall play in white. Any player failing to comply shall be excluded from the match.
33.1.3 Light grey, mid-grey or coloured trousers/shorts (which must be Tailored or Bowls England approved) are to be worn at all evening fixtures, except for the final stages of any Plymouth and District League Competition as specified by the G.P.C. Any player failing to comply shall be excluded from the match. Shirts as approved by Plymouth and District Bowling League.