Bleasby Grasshoppers

Who are we?
Bleasby Grasshoppers was established in 2021 in support of the Bleasby GreenSpaces Matter Plan (approved by Bleasby Parish Council) which sets out the long term management and development projects for the upkeep and enhancement of our community green spaces.
Grasshoppers have since established a friendly group of volunteers, aged from 2 years to somewhere beyond 70. We all share a passion for looking after the wonderful green spaces on our last count there were more than 30 of us hopping around the place!
Our basic philosophy is to have some fun, learn as we go, not get bogged down with committees & meetings and to help each other to make light work of what needs doing.
What do we do? (see dropdown menus for more details)
- Maintain and enhance various GreenSpaces around the parish to help flora, fauna and nature thrive
- Undertake development projects, such as introducing swift boxes, improving environments for bats and establishing wild flower meadows, to name a few
- Run an annual community event focussed around learning about nature on your doorstep; such as bird box building, pond dipping, bat walks, bee hotel building and alike
We meet during the third weekend of every month, usually on a Saturday morning. There are also add-hoc mid-week gatherings to deal with things 'as and when' they arise and regular tasks that involve using mowers and chain saws!
Communication is via WhatsApp Groups, speaking to each other and the occasional email.
This website provides an overview of what we're about and the plans we have in place.
You can also read below the report submitted by Grasshoppers to the 2024 Bleasby Annual Parish Meeting and there is a monthly update submitted to each Parish Council Meeting. Also attached is our annual task plan, highlighting the work we undertake around the parish.
If you are interested in getting involved, just email: with your contact details and Jo or Mike will get back to you.