Supporting St Mary’s Church
Even though St. Mary’s Church is there for us all now, we cannot assume that it always will be. The ministry of the church within the community, and its responsibilities towards the Diocese are mainly funded from the regular giving of the parishioners, generous legacies from wills, and donations from visitors. However, if we are to preserve our church for future generations, more funding is required for the ongoing upkeep of the church and churchyard due to the significant rise in the cost of repairs and maintenance.
The Vicar and PCC are immensely grateful to existing donors and volunteers for their ongoing support, which is provided in a variety of ways.
There are two ways in which you can make a difference by getting involved and helping St Mary’s:
1. Financial donations,however large or small, can be made either by making one-off donations when visiting the church, or by making a regular contribution. This method really helps the PCC to manage the church’s finances more efficiently.
If you are interested in supporting St Mary's Church in this way please contact the Treasurers of the PCC, Ruth and Sachin Jadhav- and they will be able to advise you on how to proceed. All conversations and correspondence will, of course, remain confidential.
2. Volunteering: offers of help to maintain the grounds, assist during services, joining the rotas for flower arranging or opening and closing the church, or helping in other ways, will be very grateful received.
Please contact the Churchwardens,
Diana Temperley 830314,, or
Rachael Andrew 830296,