2024 Awards Dinner
The annual club awards dinner took place on Saturday 23rd November at the club house, where a large number of members and their guests enjoyed a delicious four course meal. During the evening a TV themed table quiz was set by organiser Lesley Holmes. Lesley was presented with a bouquet of flowers by club Chairman Roy Tamplin, for her efforts arranging the evening,
The caterers were cheered for their efforts as they left the club house.
Following the meal, the awards were presented to the worthy winners and runners up, by club President Tony Redsell. Unfortunately, not all the recipients were able to attend, but will be able to collect their awards in due course.
Scroll down to the bottom for all the photos.
Triples runners up:
John Hills, Dave Waters and Paul Maxey
Triples winners receiving the ‘Brian Smoothy Trophy:
Lesley Holmes, Bob Holliday and Peter Shead
Pairs runners up:
Tim Prior and Liz Chapman
Pairs winners:
Linda Prior and Phil Philpot
Ladies’ singles runner up, receiving the George Inn Shield:
Gwen Brown
Ladies’ singles winner, receiving the Catherine Wheeler Cup:
Linda Prior
Men’s singles runner up:
Tim Prior
Men’s singles winner and receiving the Dennis Cook Shield:
Bob Holliday
Mixed singles runner up:
Peter Shead
Mixed singles winner and receiving the Granville Clayson Cup:
Phil Philpot
The Yardstick runner up:
Neil Webber
The Yardstick winner receiving the George Inn Shield:
Charles Marsh
The Yardstick Plate runner up:
Dave Waters
The Yardstick Plate winner:
Trevor Lyons
The Friday Night League runner up:
Dave Waters
The Friday night league winner:
Brian May
Drawn Pairs runners up:
Jan Weatherly and Phil Philpot
Drawn Pairs winners:
Colin Marsh and Peter Shead
Emily Clayson Memorial Cup runners up:
Bill Beacon, Roy Tamplin and Jan Weatherly
Emily Clayson Memorial Cup winners:
Julia Woodward, John Wade and Michael Dann
Two Wood Singles runner up:
Phil Philpot
Two Wood Singles winner:
Linda Prior
Mixed Singles runner up and receiving the Frank Woodward Shield:
Colin Marsh
Mixed Singles winner and receiving the Frank Woodward Cup:
Peter Shead
Ladies’ singles runner up:
Mary Mellett
Ladies Singles winner and receiving the Mrs Nesham Cup’
Jackie Leek
Men’s singles runner up:
Trevor Lyons
Men’s singles winner and receiving the Presidents Cup:
Bob Holliday
Thanks to all the volunteers who got the club house ready for the evening and again to all those who cleared up afterwards and returned the club house to ‘normal use’.