Club Competitions
Club Competitions
The club Competitions for 'outdoors' take place throughout the summer. Club members can sign up to play in any of the competitions by putting their names down on the lists which are on the notice board in the club house. The competition manager will then work out the draws and display them on the notice board together with the dates that each draw will need to be played by. Competitors at the top of the draw should then offer their opponents three dates to play their game and when agreed, book a rink using the diary by the club house entrance.
Singles games will need a marker to assist the players and score cards should be used. These will then be handed to the competition manager to update the draws.
Each competition costs £2 which should be paid to the competition manager.
The competitions comprise:
The Yardstick (a one day competition)
A singles game using four woods. Only woods within a yard of the ‘teathered’ jack (The jack cannot be moved) are counted. Number of ends can be between 16 to 20.
Club Triples (a half day competition)
Teams of three each having three woods and played over four games of 8 ends. Starts at 1pm.
Drawn Pairs
Two competitors per team using four woods over 18 ends
Men's singles
Four woods with the first to 21 points winning
Ladies singles
Four woods with the first to 21 points winning
Two wood singles
Two woods playing 21 ends.
Mixed singles
Four woods with the first to 21 points winning
Ladies invitation (a one day competition)
A triples game. Ladies make up their own teams to play 18 ends
Emily Clayson memorial.
Two wood triples.