The Social Scene
Forthcoming events:
Saturday 8th March. Bingo night.
7pm for a 7.30pm start. No entrance fee. Games will be paid for. More details on the club notice board.
Please bring your own nibbles to share.
Past events diary...See below
14th December....Christmas Race Night
Saturday 15th December saw our last event of the year, when over fifty members and their guests attended a seasonal race night. With eight races to enjoy a flutter on, the 'tote' was kept busy and in the end a total of nearly £240 was raised. Thanks go to our Club volunteers who prepared the club house, and packed it a up afterwards. Special thanks go to projectionist Roy Tamplin, bookies Bob Holliday and Bill Beacon. Bar man Charles Marsh and those too many to mention who ensured this events success.
During the evening Roy Tamplin presented a prize for the best worn Christmas jumper. Two winners were Liz Chapman and Phil Philpot. The draw for the losers bottle went to Trevor Lyons. The winners generously donated their winnings to the club raffle.
1st June 2024
The race night at the club house was well supported and raised almost £200 for the club. It really was good fun and thanks go to all the organisers.
13th April 2024
Live music with the Three hats
A great time was had by all who came along for this music evening. Over sixty people attended to enjoy some great oldies, many taking to their feet to enjoy some jiving, jigging or just shuffling. The entry raffle was drawn on the night and thanks was given to all the organisers and helpers by club Chairman Roy Tamplin. A thoroughly enjoyable evening.
16th December 2023 7pm.
This was the night of the Christmas draw. The bar was open and many brought snacks to share. There were lots of prizes, and some lucky winners walked away with multiple wins. A mini quiz added to the entertainment and thanks go to all the organisers of this event.
Race Night.
A good turnout for this 'Race Night'. Thank go to the tote men, Bob and Bill and to the projectionist Roy. The bar people and all those volunteers who helped set up and clear away afterwards.
Craft Morning
Usually held on the third Monday of the month at 10am in the club house and provides different themes along with coffee and a chat.
All welcome.
Previous social events.........................................
15th September 2023. Quiz evening 7pm
Organised for us by Mike Amura from Whitstable bowls club, this was a very good evening and all proceeds went to the captain's charity this year 'Demelza House'. £572 was raised and so a big thank you to all concerned.
Bat and Trap 2023
What has become the annual, Bat and Trap match was held on a warm, sunny Saturday 17th. with seven teams competing in a most enjoyable "friendly" competition with a great deal of good natured "mickey taking" and banter.. A short, sharp rain shower came at a perfect time for a lunch break, after which a few needed encouragement to leave the bar and continue playing..
The end result was Team F winning, consisting of Jackie L. Maria, Rosemarie, Mick N and Ron., who were presented with a nearly gold medal and a bottle of wine (small).
Ron Piper had a clean sweep, by not only being on the winning team but also receiving best bat and best bowler mugs ( I'll make a tea pot for him next year). There was a play off for best bowler between Lena, Brian M, Trevor, Mick W and Ron who had all scored 4 traps each,
A big THANK YOU to all those who helped organise the event, especially Jan and Phil for their hard work and patience. Also to Ron for preparing the pitch ( obviously to his requirements ) haha ! .
We look forward to it all happening again next year.
Platinum day
Over fifty club members gathered to celebrate Queen Elizabeth second's platinum jubilee. The sun shone (at first) and there were games to play including putting, mini bowls and mini hoops.
The food tables were heaving under the weight of food which members had prepared for the afternoon feast. The bar was open and the atmosphere was convivial. A good time was had by all, even when the sun went in and the party moved into the club house.
Thanks go to all the members who worked so hard to ensure this event was a great success.
Coronation Party
A good turnout by members and their guests led to an enjoyable event held both in the clubhouse and outside. There was plenty of food kindly brought in by all who attended and the bar was open to refresh the guests. Photos below.