Friday Night Social
Friday Night Social League:
Two Friday Night competitions will be played throughout the season. Any club member can play on any competition date but only those members participating on at least 50% of the available dates will be eligible to win the competitions.
Points Competition. Each player will be awarded one point each time they participate on a competition date irrespective of the results on those dates. Each player on the winning team on the rink on which they are playing will be awarded an additional 2 points. In the event of a tie every player on the rink will be awarded an additional point. No additional points are awarded to losing teams. The player(s) accumulating the most points throughout the season will win the competition.
Score Competition. Each player will be credited with the score that their team achieved on the rink on which they were playing. These scores will be accumulated for each player throughout the season and then divided by the number of occasions on which the member competed. The winner will be the player with the highest average score over the competition, if necessary the average will be taken to 3 decimal points. If more than one player has the same average score there will be a minimum 2 end play off match between these players (cumulative score for the extra ends).
Format. All games will be played over 12 ends. As far as possible each game will be three bowl triples to EBF rules. Where this is not possible due to the numbers participating anyone playing as a team of one (i.e. a single) or in a pair will be allowed 4 bowls each and if playing as a four 2 bowls each. Where there is an odd number of players and a pair have to play against a triple then both teams will play with the same number of bowls (8).
Start Time. Members wishing to participate should arrive at the bowling green by 6.00pm at the latest to allow time for the teams to be formed etc.
Teams. New teams will be formed on each of the competition days by the drawing of tokens. Each token will specify the rink number on which the member will play, the team in which they will be playing and their position in that team to start the match. Players to then rotate playing position evenly; for trips this will be after each 4 ends (lead to 2, 2 to skip, skip to lead), or each 6 ends for pairs and each 3 ends for fours. This will give everyone an opportunity to take on each role each match.
Rink Fees. Rink fees of £3 apply throughout the competition.