Info on Online Security
Please make this available for your members. Thank you
Many members are confused with the many different Internet systems used by WI, so here is an explanation:
MCS (Membership Communication System) – this is the National Federation of WIs (NFWI) national database on which are recorded names and contact details of all individual WI members in England and Wales. Think of it as a computerised card index system if you like. Each Federation has its own MCS Co-ordinator (for Nottinghamshire its Fiona Whittingham ). Each WI should have its own MCS Rep to look after its member records, but if your WI doesn’t have an MCS Rep for Collingham its Diane Hughes.
WEBSITE – this is run and maintained by NFWI and is the world’s window on the WI. Each Federation has its own set of pages and each Federation has its own Federation Web Editor (for Nottinghamshire its Jenny Bailey). If your WI would like to have 2 pages linked from the NFWI website i.e.: a Welcome page and a programme page Jenny can do this for you. Please contact
MOODLE – this is the NFWI learning and resource platform area available free to every paid-up member of the WI in England and Wales. There is so much to do and learn on this system: campaign updates, craft and cookery sections, training for Presidents, Treasurers, WI Advisors, and so on. There are Chat Forums where you can talk to and share experiences with other WI members anywhere in England and Wales. To access the Moodle you need to be assigned as an ‘On-line Learner’ and your WI MCS Rep can give you the reference number you need to get set up with Moodle access.
A common confusion is the Moodle username. When setting up as an On-line Learner, the system will allocate a username and password. The Username will be that member’s individual WI membership number and for Nottinghamshire these membership numbers always commence with the 3 capital letters: NOT.
On receiving the password it should be changed by the user, to a memorable password for that individual. Only the user will know the password and any help to logon will be down to the user knowing their password. If the user has forgotten their password, please contact Fiona to help generate a new one.
Each one of these web systems is subject to the most rigorous security features, and all are governed by the Data Protection Act. The MCS is the system which causes the most concern but as long as you have ticked the Data Protection Box, NFWI are required to keep your details purely for their own use and are not allowed by law to pass on those details to any other organisation. Remember that each system requires unique and discreet username and password. The access details for one system cannot give anyone access to the others.