Member Stories
WI LIFE Stories
Do you have a story you would like to share with 226,000 WI members? We explain here what we’re looking for in each of the different sections of the magazine and on page 2 there is a form for you to download and return to us as and when you have a story to tell. We look forward to hearing from you. This form can also be found on the Moodle.
News pages
We’re on the hunt for great ideas worth sharing, for example: your successful fundraising venture / Federation and WI and individuals’ achievements / interesting events (including those that might be worth us sending a photographer along to).
We want member-led features that put you at the heart of your mag. Previous examples include the Suffolk member who organised a Pea Festival, a Yorkshire WI who ran an awards scheme to encourage greater participation; and an Essex WI who set up a market. If you’re doing something great that will inspire others, we want to know. Or is there an issue you want us to cover? Tell us.
The Big Picture (new feature)
A picture is worth a thousand words. Do you have a photograph that tells the story of a compelling moment in your WI life? Of a quilt you made to make a difference, or an outing you and your gang took to research an issue close to your WI’s heart, or celebrate a special occasion? Perhaps you visited a place that inspired you? Please send the image to us with a brief outline of the story behind the picture.
Member Profile
Do you or a WI friend have an interesting job/hobby/passion in life, a story that’s crying out to be told? Members we’ve featured include an open water swimmer, a fencer, a seamstress and even an opera singer. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Submissions should include a brief synopsis and a photo.
Size doesn’t matter. We’re looking for passion and knowledge and a willingness to share this with others. Submissions should include a brief write up of what you’ve done and why and a few photos to give us an idea.
Me, Myself and WI
New feature launching Feb 2017 posing the question: What does the WI mean to you? Have a read and if you’d like to be considered, write in, including a photo as we need to put a face and a name to this piece.
We use members’ projects, usually in a 12-step format. We’ve featured a knitted necklace, Christmas bunting and papercutting. Projects shouldn’t cost the earth and need to be do-able at home. Send us your ideas.
Please use the form on the next page to contact us via email or post.
Thank you.