Roles and Representatives
Planning Reports: Richard Wall
To provide an assessment to Parish Councillors of new planning applications.
To draft letters on planning matters to submit to Ashford Borough Council.
Highways Reports: Susan Stone
To report monthly on completed issues, issues awaiting action from KCC and new issues raised since the last meeting.
Footpaths Reports: Pat Parr
To report monthly on completed issues, issues awaiting action from KCC and new issues raised since the last meeting.
GDPR: John Lawton
To implement changes required for the Parish Council to ensure compliance with the GDPR regulations
Risk Assessment Reports: Claire Foinette
To provide the Clerk with weekly reports on animal hygiene in the Play Areas of the Recreation Ground
To provide to the Clerk with monthly reports on the safety and maintenance of specific Parish assets. Including the Recreation Ground, notice boards, bus shelters, communal benches, and picnic tables.
Website Update: John Lawton and The Clerk
To update the Parish website to conform to Accessibility Regulations
Maintenance Team: Simon Palmer, Peter Rawlinson & Graham Howland (co-opted)
Tree Warden: Graham Howland (co-opted)
Glebe Mowing: Graham Howland (co-opted)
Communications/ Publicity: Peter Rawlinson & Melanie Rawlinson
Welcome Pack: Pat Parr & Claire Foinette
To produce a document providing useful contact details and information on Egerton and local activities for new residents. To be updated at least once a year.
Kent Association of Local Councils: Claire Foinette
Egerton Playing Fields Association: Jeff Hopkins & Peter Rawlinson
Village Hall Management Committee: Pat Parr & Claire Foinette