Dress code
Dress Code
Many younger bowlers are upset by the rigidness of the dress code, especially in competitive bowls. However, in recent years even this has been relaxed slightly in recognition of the younger players taking up the sport.
Footwear - Whether in competitive or casual play this is the one item of dress that has to be adhered to. Bowling shoes have to be flat-soled with no heel or ridges. The reason for this is so that the green (outdoor) or carpet (indoor) does not get ripped up or torn. These shoes can be brown, black, grey or white. Brown is the most traditional colour, but white trainer style is rapidly becoming the favourite of the younger generation.
Trousers/skirts - Most bowlers will possess two of these for competitive play, the reason being that different competitions do have different regulations and sometimes these change at the latter stages of competition. These two pairs will be in grey and white. Most outdoor leagues insist on the wearing of whites at the weekend, but most competitions allow you to wear greys during the working week, although some County events insist on you wearing white. In recent years, the rules for women were relaxed from a strict skirt style to a modest skirt or trousers; the same colour rules apply.
Shirts/jumpers etc. - At all times in competitive play these used to be white and in most competitions still are. However, there has been an introduction of team colours in certain club events, with team colours for League and Friendly matches against other clubs. The white shirt used to have to be worn with a club tie as well in most matches. Today, if you start a match wearing a formal shirt it is still good etiquette to wear a tie until after the completion of the trial ends, at least before a possible loosening or removing the tie. Jumpers and Bomber jackets should also be white.
Wet gear and head gear - These come in a variety of styles but at all times these should be predominantly white. In the rain nobody really cares about style and colour.
Club Blazers and tie - In line with the traditions of the game, the club would like to see the wearing of Dark Blazers with club badge, along with a white shirt and club tie, on travelling to away matches played at the weekend. Shirts will be changed into team shirts for the playing of the match.