Housing Needs and SAP
Approximately 635 survey forms were distributed to local residents and 137 were returned, either partly or fully completed, which equates to a response rate of 21.57%. This level of response is considered to be good for a survey of this type.The results were:
This survey identified a need for 13 alternative homes for households with a defined local connection to Stockton Parish, as follows:
Housing association rent
1 x 1 bed maisonette
2 x 1 bed bungalow
1 x 2 bed bungalow
2 x 3 bed house
Housing association shared ownership
1 x 1 bed maisonette
Owner occupier
1 x 1 bed bungalow
3 x 2 bed bungalow
2 x 3 bed bungalow
The full report is attached.
As a separate exercise, Stratford District Council is identifying possible sites for the reserve housing requirements in accordance with The Core Strategy. Without identifying these sites and adopting them into the housing plan, that plan would be no longer valid and we would return to the developers free for all. Stratford District Council has now listed its preferred sites based on the Site Allocation Plan (SAP) after many revisions and that is now what is out for consultation.
You may have seen on social media the publication of Stratford District Council Site Allocation Plan. However there has been some misunderstanding about this publication so hopefully this will clarify and answer your questions in a simple form. gives information on how to engage with the consultation process plus a good summary and explanation of the current plan 1) What is The Site Allocation Plan? The allocation plan is a list of potential sites for housing development for every town and village across the Stratford District area. 2) Does this mean new homes will be built on these sites? The simple answer is no. 3) So why does Stratford District Council have to publish a Site Allocation Plan? In 2016, Stratford District Council adopted its local housing plan, The Core Strategy, which is a legally binding document for housing numbers.