Traffic Management
The Parish Council has set up a small ‘task and finish’ group to look at concerns raised by parishioners in the Worldham Parish area.
The Parish Council have finally been sent proposals regarding traffic mitigation on the B3004 through East Worldham village. It has taken two meetings, one in July and the other in December last year with Ian Janes, Manager of Traffic Management East Hampshire with some councillors, the parish clerk and the Worldham traffic group. There were also many emails sent to Ian from our Parish Clerk, explaining the concern from parishioners and councillors about the speed and volume of traffic on the parish roads
The proposals are as follows:
- New gateways on the B3004 at the eastern and western ends of East Worldham
- Improved 30mph signs and markings through East Worldham
- New pedestrian crossing on the B3004 in the centre of the village
- SID (Speed Indicator Device)
The estimated costs of the proposals have been broken down into four parts
- New Gate ways - £5300
- Improved 30mph signs & markings- £4000
- New Pedestrian Crossing point- £5300
- SID Approx £3000-£4000
Originally a Speed Indicator Device was not one of the proposals as it was first thought the cost maybe too prohibitive. This was because SIDs can only be in one location for a maximum of 3 weeks and then cannot go back to that location for 8 weeks which means we would need 4 locations for the device.
SID’s can either be located on existing posts, via an extension, or new posts which will need to be put in place by Highways. To change the location of the device we can use our own staff/volunteers to put up and take down or we can possibly use the Lengthsman. The other good feature of a SID is that it can capture data of speed, time and traffic flow which can easily be downloaded.
Click on the links below to see the proposals in more detail