Rink Booking
The link will take you to the rink booking system where you can book a rink or view the list of matches:
Existing members, please Log in. Enter your User name and your own password. This will then give you access to the system and allow you to view and book rinks.
PLEASE NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive.
If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot your password and you will receive an email with a temporary password. Use this to log in, then use the My Profile tab at the top of the screen to change your password. New passwords now have to be a minimum of 8 characters with at least one upper case and 1 number.
New members will need to register to be able to book rinks.
TO REGISTER, please enter your first name, last name, your e mail address and then you need to create your own password and confirm it, then click, "not a robot", and press the register box. The system will send you an E-mail within 24 hours. Please check your spam and junk folders. This E mail will give you your, User name.
To book a rink
- Move the mouse over the day and time that you wish to book and click the left button.
- Move the mouse to "Choose rinks to book please" and click the left button. Select the rink from those available. If a rink is not available, you will not be able to select it.
- Move the mouse to "Choose Game name" and click the left button and select from the list (Singles/Pairs/Triples/Rink/Roll-up)
- Move the mouse to "Name of the opposition" and click the left button. Enter the name of the person you are playing or any information you wish.
- Move the mouse to "Request Slot" and click the left button. You have now booked the rink and you will be taken back to the weekly diary. An email confirming the booking will be sent to you.
To remove a booking
- Click on your slot (you will only be able to remove bookings that you have made) and press "Delete Slot"
When finished, click top right box, LOGOUT.
Team Sheets
Team sheets will be available within the rink booking system and can be accessed from the TEAMS tab at the top of the screen (computer) or from the menu if using a tablet.
To indicate that you would like to play in a match, select the appropriate match:
- Pink for Ladies
- Blue for Men
- Orange for Mixed
Your name will appear at the top of the left column, click in the box against the your name to place a tick and then press SAVE.
The captains will select the team and an email will be sent to all selected and the reserves. Press the Yes/No buttons at the bottom of the email to indicate availability.
The user guide for the team sheets is shown below.
If you are having problems. Please see the user guide below or contact Nigel Lassman for assistance