St. John's Church
The Church of St. John the Evangelist, West Meon is a surprisingly large building for the village that it serves. Built in the mid-19th Century, it replaced an earlier Saxon church. The record attendance at a service is, apparently, six hundred, although the average size of congregations today is rather smaller. The church is used for regular services of worship, by the church school next door and also for an annual music festival. We are a part of a 4 church ‘Upper Meon Benefice’ with Warnford and West Meon in the west and East Meon and Langrish in the east. Langrish, however, is currently in the process of closing. Since February 2024, the benefice has been led by Father Tony Forrest, who resides at the vicarage in East Meon.
Services are held fortnightly – 2nd Sunday Eucharist and 4th Sunday Service of the Word – at 10.30am. We are encouraged to join the congregation at Our Lady, Warnford on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9am. 5th Sunday services are shared across the benefice. Full details are available in the Parish News.
We are blessed to have excellent relations with the neighbouring West Meon Primary School; the children are frequent visitors to the church, and Father Tony is a governor and takes weekly assemblies at the school.
There are no other places of public worship in the villages, and we are mindful of the variety of backgrounds of those who attend the services. The Churches welcome all to attend, and communicants from other traditions are welcome to receive communion.
Further information regarding St John's can be found at:
Facebook Page - St John the Evangelist West Meon has a Facebook page where you can find up-to-date information about what is going on in the village church. Here is a link to the page:
West Meon and Warnford churches have adopted the House of Bishops policy on Safeguarding 'Promoting a Safer Church' in accordance with current Church of England practice. Any safeguarding issues to be directed to Fr Tony at