St. Margaret's Church
St. Margaret's Church * History
Please see the latest Corvedale News or Corvedale Parishes Facebook page for updates. If you are not on Facebook you can Google Corvedale Parishes and see the postings.
Church services:
A warm welcome is extended to everyone. Church services are normally held each month on:
- Second Sunday - Holy Communion 9.45am
- Fourth Sunday - Evensong and Holy Communion at 3.00pm winter time, 6.00pm summer time (service time will change with the clocks).
- Fifth Sunday - Combined Service of Holy Communion at 10.00am in rotation around the churches.
- Vicar: Revd John Beesley, Priest for the Corvedale Benefice. Tel: 01584 841488, Email:
- Church wardens: Mrs F Howells 01746 712498, Mrs M Buckingham Tel: 01746 712296 Email:
Parochial Church Council (PCC):
- Chairman - Rev. John Beesley
- Churchwardens - Mrs. Frances Howells, Mrs. Margaret Buckingham
- Hon. Secretary - Mrs. Sarah Connelly
Flowers and cleaning rota:
- New 2024 rota attached below.
St. Margaret's Church kneelers
The unique Abdon Church kneelers were made by the parishioners of Abdon. The kneelers depict the properties and views that make up our village of Abdon.
See the kneelers that we have made
If you would like to make a kneeler for the church all materials will be provided, please contact Fran Howells on 01746 712498.