Results of the Access to Recreation Survey
Farnsfield Parish Council
PDFs of this graphical representation and the findings are available under 'Reports' on the main web page.
Summary of the findings of the Access to Recreation Questionnaire
There were 232 responses from the 1,400 questionnaires delivered by the Farnie to households in Farnsfield.
The most popular activity in the Hadleigh Park area was walking and dog walking and use of the children’s play areas with Pétanque the least used.
Where respondents ticked “other” activities the use of the benches for relaxing and taking in nature were cited. Playing cricket, football and picnics were mentioned too.
55% of respondents walked to the facilities and 35% went by car. However, respondents were allowed to tick more than one option. Closer analysis shows that of the 219 people who responded to this question 100 walked. Only 9% cycled, 4% used mobility scooters or wheelchairs.
Many people used the Hadleigh Park Car Park but also stated that they parked at the Acres on match days and at Edingley Cricket Pavillion and near the skatepark. Some allotment holders parked at the Allotment.
83% of the respondents had no disability or health condition which limited their ability to use the recreational facilities
There were 148 responses to the question that asked respondents to suggest ways in which the Parish Council might improve access to the recreational facilities
45 respondents wanted the potholes mended on Cotton Mill Lane
21 respondents wanted a new Access Road citing the possibility of linking the end of Parfitt Drive with the bottom of Cotton Mill Lane
18 respondents wanted to change nothing citing the fact that potholes slow down traffic
8 respondents wanted better paths for mobility scooters, wheelchairs and prams around the edge of Hadleigh park and to access the park and facilities
7 people wanted designated parking areas around the facilities with hard standing so not damaging grass
6 people asked that more should be done to encourage people to walk
4 people made comments on the state of the footpaths through the Millennium Wood
2 people wanted greater clarity on the legal issues surrounding the use of CML
It is clear from the survey that walking is a popular activity in the village and many people walk to the facilities. There were some general comments that were not focused on the question but useful feedback.
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The Village Centre, New Hill, Farnsfield, Farnsfield, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 8JN
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