Health & Wellbeing
Active Bucks
Active Bucks is a weekly programme of fun and inspiring activities taking place across Buckinghamshire; on days, evenings and weekends. It will continue throughout the year and new activities will be added regularly. Visit Active Bucks for more information.
Included is a series of walks, some taking place right here within our parish, just click Simply Walk to get more details.
Play around the Parishes
Aylesbury Vale District Council together with local Parish Councils also participate in Play Around the Parishes, a roadshow of fun and games for children during the school holidays. These are advertised on the Buckinghamshire Council website and locally within parishes - they're great for active youngsters plus its FREE.
Rural Services Network
This is a network of Local and Central Government that share the same values. There are regular meetings, at which Ivinghoe is represented, where discussions take place about all things rural, including the health of rural communities. New ideas abound and these can be taken away and used by the Parish Council in the way that we conduct our business e.g. planning.